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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
count_admin_pvs Count admin pageviews Include pageviews by Admin when reporting stats.
dailyreports_enabled_for_new_users Enable daily reports for new users Determines if daily reports will be automatically enabled for new users.
default_calendars Select default calendars to display
default_group_transitions Group transition sets default Sets the group transitioned to as the user's default group.
default_mail_charset Default character set for sending mail Specify the character encoding used by Tiki when sending mail notifications.
default_map default mapfile
default_rows_textarea_comment Comment box Size (height) of the comment text area.
default_rows_textarea_forum Forum
default_rows_textarea_forumthread Forum reply
default_rows_textarea_wiki Wiki
default_wiki_diff_style Default diff style
desactive_login_autocomplete Disable browser's autocomplete feature for username and password fields Use to deactivate the autocomplete in the log-in box. The autocomplete features can be optionally set in the user’s browser to remember the form input and proposes the remember the password. If enabled, the user log-in name and password cannot be remembered. You should enable this feature for highly secure sites.
direct_pagination Use direct pagination links
direct_pagination_max_ending_links Maximum number of links after the first or before the last item
direct_pagination_max_middle_links Maximum number of links around the current item
directory_columns Columns per page Number of columns per page when listing directory categories
directory_cool_sites Enable "popular sites"
directory_country_flag Show country flag Show the country flag
directory_links_per_page Links per page How many links should be displayed per page.
directory_open_links Method to open Directory links The linked-to website can be opened in various ways
directory_validate_urls Validate URLs Should Tiki check the URL?
disableJavascript Disable JavaScript Disable JavaScript for the purpose of testing even if enabled in the browser.
display_end_year End year Year to show last on dropdown lists.<br>For example, use "+2" for the current year plus two, or "2016" for a specific year
display_field_order Fields display order The order date field inputs should be listed in.
display_start_year Start year Year to show first in dropdown lists.<br>For example, use "-2" for the current year minus two, or "2010" for a specific year
email_due Re-validate user email after The number of days after which an email will be sent to the user with a link to revalidate the account. The user will not be able to login (that is, the account will be invalid), until the user clicks the link. Use this feature to verify that a user’s email is still valid.
email_footer Email footer Text appended to outgoing emails.
eponymousGroups Create a new group for each user Automatically create a group for each user in order to, for example, assign permissions on the individual-user level.
error_reporting_adminonly PHP errors visible to admin only PHP Errors will be shown to only the Admin user.
error_reporting_level PHP Error reporting level Level of errors to be reported. Errors can be seen in a collapsible box at the bottom of the page, if any exist.
fallbackBaseUrl Fallback for tiki base URL The full URL to the Tiki base URL including protocol, domain and path (example: https://example.com/tiki/), used when the current URL can not be determined, example, when executing from the command line.
faq_comments_default_ordering Default order of comments In which order to list the comments on the page.
faq_comments_per_page Default number of comments per page Maximum number of comments to display on each page. Users may override this number.
faq_feature_copyrights FAQ copyright Apply copyright management preferences to this feature.
faq_prefix Prefix for answers The prefix for that Tiki should display for each FAQ answer.
feature_absolute_to_relative_links Convert from absolute to relative link Process wiki text and convert internal links from absolute to relative links
feature_accounting Accounting Double-entry accounting system
feature_action_calendar Action calendar Displays a calendar of system events, such as wiki page modifications, forum posts and article publications. Days with events show links to the action calendar page.
feature_actionlog Action log Provides the ability to track the actions of users and produce reports on a per-user or per-category basis.
feature_actionlog_bytes Log bytes changes (+/-) in action logs
feature_ajax Ajax Allows for efficient retrieval and display of information from the server, thus improving the user experience. This feature is required for the interface for many features to work.
feature_alternate_registration_page Alternate registration page Enter URL of a custom registration page. Tiki will automatically redirect default registration page (tiki-register.php) to this page.
feature_antibot Anonymous editors must enter anti-bot code (CAPTCHA) Use CAPTCHA to ensure that anonymous input is from a person.
feature_areas Areas Binding categories and perspectives to each other workspace
feature_article_comments Comments on articles Users with permission can post or reply to comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. comments
feature_articles Articles Articles can be used for date-specific news and announcements. You can configure articles to automatically publish and expire at specific times or to require that submissions be approved before becoming "live." articles
feature_autolinks AutoLinks Web (http://) and email addresses will automatically be converted to links.
feature_backlinks Backlinks Present a list of pages that link to the current page.
feature_banners Banners Insert, track, and manage advertising banners. ads
feature_banning Banning system Deny access to specific users based on username, IP, and date/time range.