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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
feature_cssmenus CSS menus Use CSS-styled (Suckerfish) vertical and horizontal menus.
feature_custom_html_head_content Custom HTML head content Additional content such at meta or link tags can be added to the head section of HTML files. Smarty filters can be used here.
feature_daily_report_watches Daily reports for user watches Allows you to schedule daily reports of watches to be sent (batched) at specific times.
feature_debug_console Debugger console A popup console with a list of all PHP and Smarty variables used to render the current webpage. It can be viewed by clicking 'Quick Administration->Smarty debug window' or by appending ?show_smarty_debug=1 or &show_smarty_debug=1 to the page URL. You may also execute SQL, watch vars and perform a number of other functions.
feature_default_calendars Display only select calendars by default
feature_detect_language Detect browser language Look up the user's preferred language through browser preferences.
feature_directory Directory User-submitted Web links
feature_display_my_to_others Show user's contribution on the user information page View user's contribution on the user information page.
feature_docs Docs (WebODF) Docs enables viewing and editing Open Document Format files
feature_draw Draw (SVG edit) Draw enables creating and editing SVG images in all wiki text areas
feature_draw_hide_buttons Draw (SVG edit) hide buttons Hide buttons in Draw, HTML id, comma-separated.
feature_draw_in_userfiles Draw in user file gallery Users' drawings are stored in their user files gallery
feature_draw_separate_base_image Separate base image Leaves the initially edited image as a separate file and stores the drawing separately
feature_dummy Dummy preference This is useful for developers to learn how to create a new preference. HTML may be used. blogs
feature_dynamic_content Dynamic content system Block of content which can be reused and programmed (timed)
feature_edit_templates Edit templates
feature_editcss Edit CSS Edit CSS files directly in the browser.
feature_endbody_code Custom code just before the closing </body> tag Enter lines here to be placed near the end of the HTML file.
feature_equal_height_rows_js Enable JavaScript plugin for equal-height rows Enable responsive rows, the contained elements of which have the same height.
feature_faq_comments Comments for FAQs Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. comments
feature_faqs FAQs Frequently asked questions and answers faqs
feature_featuredLinks Featured links A simple menu system to display external web pages in a new browser tab or an iframe within the site, etc.
feature_file_galleries File gallery Storage of files of various formats to display or download, etc. With check-in and check-out (lock) capability fgal
feature_file_galleries_author Require file creator's name for anonymous uploads
feature_file_galleries_batch Batch uploading Direct import of local files into a file gallery. This method can handle large files. The user can upload files via FTP to the target folder. It is highly recommended to use a file directory as the file gallery storage when using this feature.
feature_file_galleries_comments File gallery comments Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. comments
feature_file_galleries_rankings Rankings Users can view the “top” or “most” downloaded files.
feature_file_galleries_save_draft Save files as drafts Allow saving of files as drafts
feature_file_galleries_templates File gallery configuration templates
feature_filegals_manager Use file galleries to store images If not enabled, images will be stored in the file system, in the /img/wiki_up directory, instead.
feature_fixed_width Fixed width Restrict the width of the site content area, in contrast to a liquid (full-width) layout.
feature_forum_allow_flat_forum_quotes Allows quoting in flat forums Allows users to reply.
feature_forum_content_search Topic content search
feature_forum_local_search Use database (full-text) search
feature_forum_local_tiki_search Tiki-indexed search
feature_forum_parse Accept wiki syntax
feature_forum_post_index Index posts on forum section change. Re-indexes forum posts to match the parent section when the section is changed
feature_forum_quickjump Quick jumps
feature_forum_rankings Rankings Users can see several charts or rankings about the page.
feature_forum_replyempty Replies are empty
feature_forum_topics_archiving Topic archiving
feature_forums Forums Threaded or flat discussions. forums
feature_forums_allow_thread_titles First post of a thread can have an empty body
feature_forums_name_search Forum name search
feature_forums_search Forum content search
feature_freetags Tags Enables tags to be set on pages and other items for freeform categorization. freetags
feature_friends Friendship network Users can identify other users as their friends
feature_fullscreen Full screen Allow users to activate full-screen mode.
feature_gal_batch Enable directory batch loading Import large number of files by placing them them in a local directory accessible via a network share, scp, ftp, or other protocols.
feature_gal_rankings Rankings Users can see several charts or rankings about the file.