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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
feature_gal_slideshow Slideshow
feature_galleries Image gallery Collections of images for viewing or downloading (photo albums) gal
feature_group_transition Group transition Enables transitions for users between different groups. Transitions will create a user approval workflow.
feature_group_watches Group watches All users in a group selected by a users admin (tiki_p_admin_users) will receive email notification of changes to specific items. Users cannot choose to stop receiving those notifications while they are members of that group
feature_groupalert Group alert
feature_help Help system Activates links to Tiki documentation. You can specify a Help URL that contains customized help pages. By default, the Help system uses http://doc.tiki.org/
feature_history History Users (with permission) can see the history of each wiki page.
feature_hotwords Hotwords
feature_hotwords_nw Open hotwords in new window
feature_hotwords_sep Characters that limit a hotword
feature_html_head_base_tag Add base tag in the HTML head section The base tag specifies a default address for all links on a page.
feature_html_pages HTML pages Static and dynamic HTML content
feature_htmlfeed HTML feed A way to transfer HTML content from one Tiki site to another
feature_htmlpurifier_output Output should be HTML purified This activates HTML Purifier on wiki content and other outputs, to filter out potential security problems like XSS code. Keep in mind that HTML Purifier is not HTML5 compatible and may rewrite HTML5 syntax, producing unwanted results.
feature_image_galleries_comments Image Gallery Comments Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page.
feature_image_gallery_mandatory_category Limit image gallery categories to those under this category
feature_inline_comments Inline comments Contextual comments
feature_integrator Integrator
feature_intertiki Intertiki Allows several Tiki sites (slaves) to get authentication from a master Tiki site intertiki
feature_intertiki_import_groups Import user groups Groups the user belongs to on the master server will be imported (along with their security definitions).
feature_intertiki_import_preferences Import user preferences Client Tiki will copy the user preferences from the master server.
feature_intertiki_imported_groups Limit group import This list will limit the group import feature to only those groups listed here.
feature_intertiki_mymaster Master Tiki server Master Tiki server that this client will obtain user authorizations from.
feature_intertiki_server This site is a master server
feature_intertiki_sharedcookie Intertiki shared cookie Causes a user who logs into or out of either the slave or master site to be automatically logged into or out of all other sites.
feature_invite Invite users Allow users to invite new users to register at this site, by sending an email.
feature_invoice Invoice Invoice system
feature_jquery_autocomplete Autocomplete Provides various dropdown menus on many text input boxes for page names, user names, groups, tags, etc.
feature_jquery_carousel jQuery infinite carousel Create a slideshow (like an image carousel) for file galleries. Used in Plugin Carousel.
feature_jquery_media jQuery media Provides a media player via Plugin MediaPlayer that can be used in wiki pages or other wiki text area to play media files including .flv, .mp3, .mp4, .swf, .avi, .wmv, .ram, .mov, .mpeg, and .pdf. A Flash-based open source media player is used.
feature_jquery_reflection Reflection Creates a reflection under an image. Used in Plugin Img with the parameter "class=reflect"
feature_jquery_superfish Superfish Adds animation effects to CSS "Suckerfish" menus.
feature_jquery_tablesorter jQuery sortable tables Provides an interactive way to sort and filter data in tables produced with Plugin FancyTable and Plugin TrackerList, as well as administrative tables.
feature_jquery_tagcanvas TagCanvas TagCanvas is a Javascript class which will draw and animate an HTML5 canvas-based tag cloud.
feature_jquery_tooltips Tooltips Enable tooltips such as this to have a custom appearance, styled by CSS.
feature_jquery_ui JQuery UI Include jQuery UI library. Enables a number of interface features.
feature_jquery_ui_theme jQuery UI theme jQuery UI theme. Used in some modal popups and in the TikiSheet feature, etc.
feature_jquery_validation Validation Provides various validation possibilities such as for trackers.
feature_jquery_zoom jQuery zoom Enables zoom in images on mouseover or click. Used in Plugin Img with the parameter \"thumb=zoombox\"
feature_jscalendar Date picker for date selection JavaScript popup date selector (uses jQuery UI DatePicker).
feature_kaltura Kaltura video management Integration with the Kaltura video management platform video
feature_lang_nonswitchingpages Certain pages redirect to homepage when language is changed
feature_lang_nonswitchingpages_names List of pages that redirect List of names of pages that always redirect to the homepage when the language is switched
feature_lastChanges Latest changes Enable users (with permission) to see the sortable, searchable list of wiki pages (tiki-lastchanges.php) organized by last-updated date. Use the Configuration area to specify which items to display..
feature_layoutshadows Shadow layer
feature_left_column Left column
feature_library_references Library references Enforce library reference as master
feature_likePages Similar pages Display a list of pages named similarly to the current page.
feature_listorphanPages Orphan pages Allow listing of \"orphan pages\" (pages not linked to from another page).
feature_listorphanStructure Pages not in structure Users (with permission) can see the sortable, searchable list of wiki pages (tiki-listpages.php). Use the Configuration area to specify which items to display.