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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
feature_translation Translation assistant Track translation operations between pages.
feature_translation_incomplete_notice Incomplete translation notice When a page is translated to a new language, a notice will automatically be inserted into the page to indicate that the translation is not yet complete.
feature_typo_approximative_quotes Convert approximative ASCII quotes Convert plain-ASCII quote substitutes `` '' ,, << >> to their typographic equivalent “ ” „ « »
feature_typo_dashes_and_ellipses Smart em-dash and ellipsis Convert double hyphen \-- to em-dash — and three consecutive dots\... to typographic ellipsis character…
feature_typo_enable Enable Typography Features Features to replace normal characters with typographic equivalents
feature_typo_nobreak_spaces Smart no-break space Prevents line breaks from occuring at unfortunate places in the text by replacing regular space character with no-break spaces where appropriate: around some punctuation, when used as thousand separator, and between a unit abbreviation and the number preceding it.
feature_typo_quotes Smart “curly” quotes Convert \"straight\" quotes to “curly” ones, also convert ’ apostrophe and ‘single’ quotes
feature_unified_user_details Unified user details Use User Details Page using the Unified Index.
feature_urgent_translation Urgent translation notifications Enable changes to be flagged as urgent, so translations are marked with a notice visible to all users.
feature_use_fgal_for_user_files Store user files in a file gallery
feature_use_fgal_for_wiki_attachments Use file galleries for wiki attachments Wiki attachments will be stored in the file gallery.
feature_use_quoteplugin Use Quote plugin rather than ">" for quoting
feature_use_three_colon_centertag Center text using ::: instead of :: Useful to avoid conflicts with C++ scope operators or default namespace separator.
feature_user_bookmarks My bookmarks
feature_user_encryption User encryption Tiki user encryption enables a personal, secure storage of sensitive data, e.g. password. Only the user can see the data. No decryption passwords are stored.
feature_user_watches User watches Receive email notification of changes. Each user can choose to be notified of changes to specific items
feature_user_watches_languages User watches languages Watch language-specific changes within a category.
feature_user_watches_translations User watches translations
feature_userfiles User files
feature_userlevels Menu user levels Enables control of the per-group visibility of menu options
feature_usermenu User menu
feature_userPreferences User preferences screen
feature_userWizardDifferentUsersFieldIds Present different input fields in the User Wizard than are in the Registration form Ask a different set of fields for the User Details section in the User Wizard than the ones shown in the Registration form
feature_userWizardUsersFieldIds Tracker fields presented in the User Wizard as User Details User's information tracker fields presented in the User Wizard as User Details (separate field IDs with colons)
feature_version_checks Check for updates automatically Tiki will automatically check for new updates each time you access the Admin Home page, based on your Check frequency selection.
feature_view_tpl Tiki template viewing
feature_warn_on_edit Warn on edit conflict When a user is editing a page, the edit button will be colored red and the name of the user editing the page will be displayed as a tooltip. If the user saves or cancels his or her edit or if the indicated amount of time passes the edit button will be displayed normally. This feature is useful to prevent collisions when editing pages.
feature_webdav WebDAV access to Tiki Allow file gallery access with WebDAV
feature_webmail Webmail Provides a webmail interface for site users' own IMAP or POP accounts. webmail
feature_webservices Web services Can receive web services via JSON or YAML.
feature_wiki Wiki Pages and collaboratively authored documents with edit history. wiki
feature_wiki_1like_redirection Redirect to similar wiki page If a requested page doesn't exist, redirect to a similarly named page
feature_wiki_allowhtml Allow HTML Per-page option: HTML tags are used to create elements of the wiki page, instead of being displayed as code.
feature_wiki_argvariable Wiki argument variables Allow writing request variables in wiki content using {{paramname}} or {{paramname|default}} - special case {{page}} {{user}}
feature_wiki_attachments Attachments Allow users to upload (attach) files to a page. wikiatt
feature_wiki_categorize_structure Categorize structure pages together Place new pages of a structure in the same category as the structure's root page
feature_wiki_comments Comments below wiki pages Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. comments
feature_wiki_description Show the page description Display the wiki page description between the page title and the page content.
feature_wiki_discuss Discuss pages on forums Enabling the option will add, on each wiki page, a Discuss button that links to a forum thread dedicated to discussion of the particular page.
feature_wiki_export Export Users can export individual pages and structure pages content as a file (requires tiki_p_admin_wiki permission).
feature_wiki_ext_icon External link icon External links will be identified with an icon. To customize the icon, change the "link-external" icon in the icon set.
feature_wiki_ext_rel_nofollow Add "rel=nofollow" to external links Nofollow is used to instruct some search engines that the link should not influence the ranking of the link's target in the search engine's index.
feature_wiki_footnotes Footnotes Logged-in users can write personal footnotes when editing a page. The footnotes display immediately below the wiki page only to the user who edited it. This is a good way for users to make personal notes about pages..
feature_wiki_history_full Wiki full history Record all versions, rather than only when page content or description changes or when an edit comment is given
feature_wiki_history_ip Display IP address
feature_wiki_icache Individual wiki cache Allow users to change the duration of the cache on a per-page basis.
feature_wiki_import_html Import HTML Enable import of HTML pages.
feature_wiki_import_page Import pages
feature_wiki_make_structure Make structure from page Show a button below each wiki page to allow converting it from a simple wiki page into the root page of a new structure
feature_wiki_mandatory_category Limit wiki page categories to those under this category If an error message indicates a mandatory category is required when editing a wiki page, set this option to "None".