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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
auth_ldap_starttls Use TLS
auth_ldap_type LDAP Bind Type <ul><li><b>Active Directory bind</b> will build a RDN like username@example.com where your basedn is (dc=example, dc=com) and username is your username</li><li><b>Plain bind</b> will build a RDN username</li><li><b>Full bind</b> will build a RDN like userattr=username, userdn, basedn where userattr is replaced with the value you put in ‘User attribute’, userdn with the value you put in ‘User DN’, basedn with the value with the value you put in ‘base DN’</li><li><b>OpenLDAP bind</b> will build a RDN like cn=username, basedn</li><li><b>Anonymous bind</b> will build an empty RDN</li></ul>
auth_ldap_userattr User attribute
auth_ldap_userdn User DN
auth_ldap_usergroupattr Group attribute
auth_ldap_useroc User OC
auth_method Authentication method Tiki supports several authentication methods. The default method is to use the internal user database.
auth_phpbb_create_tiki Create user if not registered in Tiki Automatically create a new Tiki user for the PHPbb login
auth_phpbb_dbhost phpBB Database Hostname
auth_phpbb_dbname phpBB Database Name
auth_phpbb_dbpasswd phpBB Database Password
auth_phpbb_dbuser phpBB Database Username
auth_phpbb_disable_tikionly Disable Tiki users with no phpBB login Disable Tiki users who don’t have a phpBB login as they could have been deleted.
auth_phpbb_skip_admin Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in The user “admin” will be authenticated by <b>only</b> using Tiki’s user database. This option has no effect on users other than “admin”.
auth_phpbb_table_prefix phpBB Table Prefix
auth_phpbb_version phpBB Version
auth_token_access Token access With the presentation of a token, allow access to the content with elevated rights. The primary use of this authentication method is to grant temporary access to content to an external service.
auth_token_access_maxhits Token access default maximum hits The default maximum number of times a token can be used before it expires.
auth_token_access_maxtimeout Token access default timeout The default duration for which the generated tokens will be valid.
auth_token_preserve_tempusers Do not delete temporary users when token is deleted/expired Normally temporary users created (see tiki-adminusers.php) are deleted when their access token is deleted/expired. If turned on, this will keep those users around (and can be manually deleted later) but they will have no groups and therefore no perms
auth_token_share Share access rights with friends when using Share Allow users to share their access rights for the current page with a friend when sending the link by email, Twitter, or Facebook. The lifespan of the link is defined by the site.
auth_token_tellafriend Share access rights with friends when using Tell a friend Allow users to share their access rights for the current page with a friend when sending the link by email. The lifespan of the link is defined by the site.
auth_ws_create_tiki Create user if not registered in Tiki If a user was externally authenticated, but not found in the Tiki user database, Tiki will create an entry in its user database.
available_languages Available languages By default, all languages supported by Tiki are available on multilingual sites. This option allows limiting the languages to a subset.
available_themes Available themes Restrict available themes
bigbluebutton_dynamic_configuration BigBlueButton dynamic configuration Uses the advanced options of BigBlueButton to configure the XML per room.
bigbluebutton_feature BigBlueButton web conferencing Integration with the BigBlueButton collaboration server for web conference and screen sharing.
bigbluebutton_recording_max_duration BigBlueButton recording maximum duration A maximum duration for the meetings must be submitted to BigBlueButton to prevent the recordings from being excessively long if a user leaves the conference window open.
bigbluebutton_server_location BigBlueButton server location Full URL to the BigBlueButton installation.
bigbluebutton_server_salt BigBlueButton server salt A salt key used to generate checksums for the BigBlueButton server to assure that requests are authentic.
blog_comments_default_ordering Default ordering
blog_comments_per_page Number per page
blog_feature_copyrights Blog post copyright Apply copyright management preferences to this feature.
blog_list_activity Activity
blog_list_created Creation date
blog_list_description Description
blog_list_lastmodif Last modified
blog_list_order Default order
blog_list_posts Posts
blog_list_title Title
blog_list_title_len Title length
blog_list_user User
blog_list_visits Visits
blog_sharethis_publisher Your ShareThis publisher identifier (optional) Set to define your ShareThis publisher identifier
box_shadow_end Module (box) shadow end
box_shadow_start Module (box) shadow start
browsertitle Browser title Visible label in the browser's title bar on all pages. Also appears in search engine results.
cacheimages Cache external images
cachepages Cache external pages
calendar_addtogooglecal Show "Add to Google Calendar" icon