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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
article_comments_default_ordering Display order Set the display order of comments.
article_comments_per_page Number per page Set the number of comments per page.
article_custom_attributes Custom attributes for article types Enable additional custom fields for article types
article_default_list_image_size_x Default maximum width for custom article images in list mode (on View Articles) Sets the default maximum width of custom article images in list mode (on View Articles page)
article_default_list_image_size_y Default maximum height of custom article images in list mode (on View Articles page) Set the default maximum height of custom article images in list mode (on the View Articles page)
article_feature_copyrights Article copyright Apply copyright management preferences to this feature.
article_image_file_size_max Article image maximum file size Maximum file size for an article image. Article images are stored in the database so it should remain low.
article_image_size_x Default maximum width for custom article images Set the default maximum width of the article image
article_image_size_y Default maximum height for custom article images Set the default maximum height of article images
article_paginate Paginate articles Divide articles into multiple pages with pagebreak markers.
article_related_articles Related articles Display a list of related articles at the bottom of an article page
article_remembers_creator Article creator remains article owner Last article editor does not automatically become author (owner).
article_sharethis_publisher Your ShareThis publisher identifier (optional) Set to define your ShareThis publisher identifier
article_use_new_list_articles Use new articles Use the new CustomSearch-based article lists rather than database information
article_user_rating User ratings on articles Allow users to rate articles.
article_user_rating_options Article rating options List of options available for the rating of articles.
auth_ldap_adminpass Admin password
auth_ldap_adminuser Admin user
auth_ldap_basedn Base DN
auth_ldap_countryattr Country attribute Synchronize Tiki user attributes with the LDAP values.
auth_ldap_debug Write LDAP debug Information in Tiki Logs Write debug information to Tiki logs (Admin -> Tiki Logs, Tiki Logs have to be enabled).
auth_ldap_emailattr Email attribute Synchronize Tiki user attributes with the LDAP values.
auth_ldap_group_adminpass Admin password
auth_ldap_group_adminuser Admin user
auth_ldap_group_basedn Base DN
auth_ldap_group_corr_userattr Corresponding user attribute in 1st directory
auth_ldap_group_debug Write LDAP debug Information in Tiki Logs Write debug information to Tiki logs (Admin -> Tiki Logs, Tiki Logs have to be enabled).
auth_ldap_group_external Use an external LDAP server for groups
auth_ldap_group_host Host
auth_ldap_group_port Port
auth_ldap_group_scope Search scope
auth_ldap_group_ssl Use SSL (ldaps)
auth_ldap_group_starttls Use TLS
auth_ldap_group_type LDAP Bind Type <ul><li><b>Active Directory bind</b> will build a RDN like username@example.com where your basedn is (dc=example, dc=com) and username is your username</li><li><b>Plain bind</b> will build a RDN username</li><li><b>Full bind</b> will build a RDN like userattr=username, userdn, basedn where userattr is replaced with the value you put in ‘User attribute’, userdn with the value you put in ‘User DN’, basedn with the value with the value you put in ‘base DN’</li><li><b>OpenLDAP bind</b> will build a RDN like cn=username, basedn</li><li><b>Anonymous bind</b> will build an empty RDN</li></ul>
auth_ldap_group_userattr User attribute
auth_ldap_group_userdn User DN
auth_ldap_group_useroc User OC
auth_ldap_groupattr Group name attribute
auth_ldap_groupdescattr Group description attribute
auth_ldap_groupdn Group DN
auth_ldap_groupgroupattr Group attribute in group entry
auth_ldap_groupoc Group OC
auth_ldap_host Host The hostnames, ip addresses or URIs of your LDAP servers. Separate multiple entries with Whitespace or ‘,’. If you use URIs, then the settings for Port number and SSL are ignored. Example: “localhost ldaps://master.ldap.example.org:63636” will try to connect to localhost unencrypted and if if fails it will try the master LDAP server at a special port with SSL.
auth_ldap_memberattr Member attribute
auth_ldap_memberisdn Member is DN
auth_ldap_nameattr Realname attribute Synchronize Tiki user attributes with the LDAP values.
auth_ldap_permit_tiki_users Use Tiki authentication for users created in Tiki If this option is set, users that are created using Tiki are not authenticated via LDAP. This can be useful to let external users (ex.: partners or consultants) access Tiki, without being in your main user list in LDAP.
auth_ldap_port Port The port number your LDAP server uses (389 is the default, 636 if you check SSL).
auth_ldap_scope Search scope Used after authentication for getting user and group information.
auth_ldap_ssl Use SSL (ldaps)