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Features | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
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Tiki's Content Creation and Management Tools

Subjective self-evaluation by the Tiki community

  • Setup/admin UI: How easy / intuitive is to setup this feature?
  • UI end user : Once setup, how easy / intuitive is it for the end-user? (was it worth it?)
  • Stability: How many bugs left?
  • Feature-set / power: How does this feature compare to other Open Source apps? This field is the default sort order

Items 112

Name Feature name and link Description Dev (Bug reports & Feature requests) Type of feature Setup and admin UI UI end user Stability Feature-set and power Admin icon
We eat our own Dogfood We eat our own DogFood

Tiki is a community. Tiki is a software. The Tiki community is recursively using and improving the Tiki software, which is used to support the community as well as to make available to the general public.

Open development Open Development

Written and maintained by an active and international community of volunteer contributors. While many developers offer consulting services, no company controls the development.

Think of Tiki as applying the wiki way not just to content but also to software development. YOU are invited to participate!"

Please read more about the Tiki Model

Open standards & protocols Open standards and protocols

Tiki developers are Tiki users too and prefer open protocols and standards -

Platform independence Platform independence Tiki runs wherever PHP runs, on Linux, Mac, Windows and many more other operating systems. Other
Browser Compatibility Browser Compatibility On the client side, all you need is a Web browser running on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Other
Documentation Documentation Tiki's documentation is a wiki (of course!). So you can participate! The are links from your installed Tiki application directly to the corresponding documentation wiki page. As the documentationis constantly being updated and organized, broken links may sometimes occur. Please bear with us and feel free to participate! Other
Quality components

External Libraries

Tiki makes good use of existing and active open source projects such as Zend Framework, Smarty, MySQL, PHP, jQuery, Bootstrap, CKeditor, etc.

Permission Permissions Different rights can be assigned to groups. (ACLs) Administration C A A
Category system Categories Global category system. Items of different types (wiki pages, articles, tracker items, etc) can be added to one or many categories. Categories can have permissions. Navigation B B B A
Workflow Workflow Workflow is provided by means of category transitions and other configuration settings.

Transversal C B A
File Gallery File Gallery Storage and sharing via download or display in pages, of images, videos, and other file types . Supports check-in and check-out (lock), versions, etc.

Section A B A A
Calendar Calendar Events calendar with public, private and group channels

Section B B B A
File Gallery File Gallery File Galleries enable secure and efficient uploading, storage, downloading and other serving of all types of files including images, videos, podcasts, text and PDF documents and more. Section B C B A
Trackers Trackers Facts and figures storage and retrieval. A forms and database generator, with reporting. Can be used for a bug tracker, item database, issue tracker, etc Section B A B A
Wiki Wiki Collaboratively authored documents with history of changes. Tiki's wiki has all the features you could want from a first-rate wiki. Ex.: attach files, comments, history, images, warn on edit, page locking, powerful wiki syntax, alternative WYSIWYG editor, etc. Section A A A A
Wiki Plugin (extends basic syntax) Wiki Plugins Over 100 built-in plugins extend the function of wiki syntax with more specialized commands. It is very easy to create your own plugins with plugin alias or from scratch. Text Area B B B A
Multilingual i18n i18n (or internationalization) - Tiki is translated in 20 languages. Handles multilingual navigation & content. Can keep track of translation (de)synchronization.

Transversal C B B A
Maps Maps Maps can be created and displayed using OpenLayers and OpenStreetMap. Section B B B A
Menu Menus Menu items are filtered by permission, by group or activation of relevant feature. Both Bootstrap and Superfish CSS/jQuery menus are supported. Navigation C A B A
Theme Control Theme Control Visual themes can be flexibly assigned per user group, site section, content category, and so on. Administration A A A A
Site identity Look and Feel The site can be customized or personalized using the admin interface, to set the site title, logo and so on. No need for editing PHP or Smarty TPL files.

Navigation B A B A
Compression Compression Transparently compress your pages on-the-fly.

Transversal A A B A
Caching Cache Tiki uses the built-in cache of the Smarty template engine. Administration A A B A
Themes Themes Thirty-three visual themes are included and several have theme options (color variants). And, with Bootstrap compatibility, it is straightforward to create your own. Tiki themes are visual layers only and so avoid the possibility of introducing a security vulnerability.

Transversal A A A A
Modules Modules Boxes for content, typically on the left or right of a portal-style site but can be placed anywhere, even in page content, with or without a visual frame. Very useful for navigation and content re-use. Over 100 built-in modules are available, and site admins can create their own.

Navigation A A B A
Structure Structure In Tiki terminology, a structure is a hierarchy for wiki pages. Structures have navigational features such as breadcrumb links and menus; also enabled is printing all pages in the structure and in order.

Navigation B B A A
Wiki Syntax Wiki Syntax Apply formatting and styling to text directly or via editor toolbar buttons; no need for HTML. Strong help feature and usable throughout various features such as blogs and articles, not just in the wiki! Text Area B B B A
RSS News Feeds Outgoing RSS feeds can be generated, and external RSS feeds can be subscribed to. Transversal B B B A
Search Search Configurable site search engine that indexes content of many features Transversal B B B A
Toolbars Toolbars The edit page toolbar enables styling text, adding an image, Makes using wiki syntax easy. Custom buttons can be added, and toolbars can be customized for the various sections of the site. Text Area C C B A
External Authentication External Authentication Can use LDAP (Active Directory), PAM, Auth, Http web server, CAS or Shibboleth.

Administration B A B A
Interaction with popular external software, services or websites Interaction with popular external software, services or websites For example: Google video, Google Maps, YouTube, Skype, Google AdSense, Mindmap and many more! Transversal A
Install Installation Tiki site installation is a simple process of going through the steps of a wizard, and post-install configuration also offers wizard options.

Administration A A A
User Administration User Administration Great flexibility in handling user registration, logging in, and banning of users, should that be necessary. Administration A A A A
Group Groups The three default groups (anonymous, registered, and admin) can be added to freely as needed for the site. Groups can inherit other groups' permissions, to simplify access management. Administration A A A A
Tiki Manager Manager A combination of shell and PHP scripts to install, update, backup and monitor (check security of) a large number of Tiki installations (instances). Administration D C A
Kaltura Video Kaltura Video Video management Section C B B A
Workspaces Workspaces Workspaces permit you to segment a Tiki instance into smaller restricted-access sections with unique preferences, themes, etc. Transversal D B B A
Profiles Profiles In Tiki terminology, a "profile" is a set of site configuration preferences and website item creation instructions that are applied as a group. Administration A A B A
Communication Center Communication Center Send/receive objects to and from other Tiki-powered sites

Administration B A A B
My Account My Account

Provide content organization and communication tools for registered users
Bookmark, User Preferences, Watch, User Menu, Task, Inter-User Messages, User Files, Notepad and Mini Calendar

Section A A C B
Articles Articles Articles can be used for date-specific news and announcements. You can configure articles to automatically publish and expire at specific times or to require that submissions be approved before becoming "live." In addition to categories and tags, articles include their own unique classification system of Topics and Types. Section B B B B
FAQ FAQ Create pages of frequently asked questions and answers. Section B B B B
Survey Surveys Create questionnaires with multiple-choice or open-ended questions. Section A A B B
Quiz Quizzes Create timed quizzes with recorded scores. Section D C C B
Blog Blogs Multiple blogs can be created with various author and display configurations, etc. Section A A A B
Featured links Featured Links Simple menu system which can optionally add an external web page in an iframe Section B A A B
Integrator Integrator Automatically import external HTML pages into Tiki. Programmers D B B B
Comments Comments Comment posting available for many features (wiki pages, articles, blogs, forums, etc) Transversal B B B B
Mobile Mobile Tiki uses the Bootstrap CSS framework by default for responsive web design - pages conform to the display size of all desktop and mobile devices.

Transversal B B B B
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