- preference
- fgal_match_regex
- hard_to_search
- duplicate_name
- 1
- duplicate_description
- 1
- word_count
- 34
- filter
- name
- Must match
- help
- default
- description
- A regular expression that must be matched to accept the file example A-Za-z* (filename can only have a-z letters) For example, if you want to require that uploads must have a wordprocessing file extension, you could enter .*.(odt|sxw|doc|dot|rtf|wpt|frm|wpd|txt|ODT|SXW|DOC|DOT|RTF|WPT|FRM|WPD|TXT)
- locations
- fgal/1
- dependencies
- type
- text
- options
- admin
- module
- view
- permission
- plugin
- extensions
- tags
- parameters
- detail
- warning
- hint
- shorthint
- perspective
- separator