History: Feature Page Template
Source of version: 8 (current)
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::Use this ((Content Templates)) in any feature page as per the ((Tiki Manual of Style)):: !!Feature Name ---- *Use Heading 2 for the Feature Name. (Because we don't add the page titles automatically). *Describe what the feature is for in 100-200 words. Give a couple of examples how the feature would be used. *Include a half page size (about 300 pixels wide) cropped image of the feature in action. *((backlink to index)) related pages, related features, general concepts etc. Don't use a bulleted list here because it takes up too much vertical space. __Using Multiple Pages to Document a Feature__ If multiple pages are used to document a feature, list them here with a brief explanation. Use plain language to name additional pages. ~np~((Create a Feature))~/np~ ~np~((Configure a Feature))~/np~ ~np~((Add Permissions to a Feature))~/np~ !!How to use Feature ---- __Enable the Feature:__ (explain how to find this feature's admin panel with both breadcrumbs and a direct local url) Administration-->Feature-->Page __local url__:yoursite.com/url !!!Explaining the "Create" Form Create a table which explains the form that is used to create the instance of the feature. ||Option|Choices You have|Default Behavior|What this does in plain language Turn on Dinger?|Yes,No|No|Turns on a noisy dinger that dings when you ping __exact text from form__|acceptable values,comma separated|what happens if you choose not to choose|what difference it makes Dinger Name|alphanumeric| required field |You have to give the dinger a name.|| !!!Modify/Customize the instance (explain how to find this feature's admin panel with both breadcrumbs and a direct local url) Administration-->Feature-->Page __local url__:yoursite.com/url !!!Explaining the next form Create a table which explains the form or options that customize the instance. ||Option|Choices You have|Default Behavior|What this does in plain language Turn on Dinger?|Yes,No|No|Turns on a noisy dinger that dings when you ping __exact text from form__|acceptable values,comma separated|what happens if you choose not to choose|what difference it makes Dinger Name|alphanumeric| required field |You have to give the dinger a name.|| !!!Permissions Explain what permissions can be applied to the feature and what they mean. -=Try it out=- please link to the live Feature on tikiwiki.org !!Developer Notes ---- Notes on the ongoing development of this feature, please indicate the latest released stable version, identified bugs, links to development pages, etc. !!!Developers Contact ---- Developers who worked on or understand this feature should leave a contact link and indicate if they are available for paid or free help. !!Feature FAQ ---- Any Questions? Edit this page and someone will respond! !!Related Category ---- Include the approproiate category display using the ((Category Plugin)). !!External Links ---- A list of links outside of tw.o (Wikipedia, RFC's, Other Manuals)