History: OpenID
Source of version: 18
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! OpenID ''Introduced in ((Tiki2)) and removed before ((Tiki25)). Please use ((OpenID Connect)), ((SAML)) or another ((External Authentication)) method instead.'' __When you upgrade to Tiki25+, the now unusable user data related to OpenID will be deleted (The openid_url column in the users_users table)__ OpenID authentication is an open and decentralized identity system, designed "not to crumble if one company turns evil or goes out of business". Basically, it allows users to select a single username (and password) that can be used by any website that uses OpenID authentication. See http://openid.net for more information. !! To enable OpenID * Select __Tiki and OpenID__ from tiki-admin.php?page=login -> General preferences -> Authentication method +The ((Module login_box|Login Module)) will now include an OpenID field: +{img src="img/wiki_up/login_module_openid.png" alt="Login module with OpenID"} !!To use OpenID #A user must have (or create) an OpenID. See http://openid.net/get/ for information on getting an OpenID. #In the Tiki ((Module login_box|Login Module)), enter your OpenID. +Tiki will attempt to validate the user's OpenID. The user will be requested to authenticate their ID with their OpenID provider. +If you are a Google (Apps?) OpenID user, enter: +https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id +exactly like that and you'll be taken to the right place. #Upon successful authentication, Tiki will allow you to: **Create a new Tiki login. **Associate an existing login with your OpenID. +{img src="img/wiki_up/openid_valid.png" alt="Associating an OpenID with a Tiki login"} #To create a new Tiki login, enter username and email address. +Tiki will register the new username and associate it with your OpenID. + %%% +If you already have a Tiki login, enter your username and password in the Login area. +Tiki will associate the existing Tiki login with your OpenID. + %%% #To login, you can now simply use your OpenID on the ((Module login_box|Login Module)). __Note__: After associating an OpenID with a Tiki user account, you cannot ''unassociate'' the two through the Tiki Administration interface. Instead, you must edit the database, directly. In the __users_users__ table, reset the __openid_url__ for the user to ''null''.