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History: PluginCountup

Preview of version: 1

Plugin Countup

Introduced in Tiki25, use this plugin to make a counter on a wiki page. You can add one or multiple counters on the same page and each counter starts to count when it becomes visible in the viewport. Each counter has its own custom settings(Title, ending number, custom counting (animation) speed, custom CSS (color, font size, font family, background, ...), etc.).

Short démo



This plugin will be available for use when Tiki 25.0 will be released in October 2022.
Please come back in october 2022 to see the complete list of parameters and related description for this plugin.


Information Version
Marc Laporte 27
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 26
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 25
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 24
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 23
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 22
Rodriguez Nyiringabo Use the plugin plugin manager to document the plugin parameters instead of the table. 21
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 20
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 19
Marc Laporte 18
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 17
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 16
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 15
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 14
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 13
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 12
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 11
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 10
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 9
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 8
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 7
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 6
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 5
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 4
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 3
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 2
Rodriguez Nyiringabo 1