Warning: Undefined variable $filepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tikidocfromcode.php on line 146
PluginSwiper | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
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History: PluginSwiper

Preview of version: 38

Plugin Swiper

Plugin Swiper (introduced in Tiki19) is used to create a Slider/Swiper in any Tiki page using a wiki-plugin syntax shortcode. You can create multiple types of sliders and can place them in different locations on a page such as above header or inside the content body. It is mobile friendly and works great on handheld devices. Plugin Swiper is based on the Swiper, the most modern OpenSource mobile touch slider.

Please see also Slider Comparison

1.1. Key Features

  • Integrated with Tiki File Galleries
  • Responsive & Mobile Touch Enabled
  • Multiple Transition Styles
  • Full Screen or Define the size of Slider
  • Add text on top of slides including HTML and Wiki Syntax
  • Multiple Slider Placement Positions on a Page

1.2. Parameters

Tiki Doc From Code error: swiper not found

Custom Slide Code Explanation
Enter custom slides data separated by using "|". Wiki Syntax / HTML supported in slide text, to include wiki page in slide text use PluginInclude.

Example Custom Slide Code
Copy to clipboard
{SWIPER()} title:Slide 1 title; text:HTML/Wiki Syntax Supported Slide 1 text; image:Slide Image URL; bgcolor:#colorcode; color: #color code for text {SWIPER}

To build an impressive image slide we must resize or choose images of the same size. Images having different sizes and dimensions will not look appropriate in the slider.

1.3. Slider Placement on a Page

Swiper Plugin has the option to choose the placement of the slider at the following three locations

  1. In the body (where ever in a page body you place the slider)
  2. Above top bar / Top of the page (Above your page logo header)
  3. Above content page / under top bar (Above the page body but under the logo header)

1. Examples

Following are some swiper slider examples.

1.1. Basic Slider Images

Following slider is built using Tiki File Galleries file id and a transition effect.

Example Code
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{swiper fileIds="1472,1471,1470,1469,1468,4467,1466,1465" effect="flip" navigation="y" displayThumbnails="n" loop="y" autoPlay="y" autoHeight="n" slidesPerColumnFill="column" centeredSlides="n" slideToClickedSlide="n" freeMode="n" preloadImages="y" updateOnImagesReady="y"}

1.2. Slide with Slide transition & slide thumbnail navigation

Following slide is using the simple slide transition style with thumbnails display turned on.

Example Code
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{swiper fileIds="1478,1479,1476,1474,1475,1477" effect="slide" navigation="y" displayThumbnails="y" slidesPerView="1" loop="y" autoPlay="y" autoHeight="y" slidesPerColumnFill="column" centeredSlides="n" slideToClickedSlide="n" freeMode="n" preloadImages="y" updateOnImagesReady="y"}

1.3. Slider with 3D Cube Effect

Slider with file ids and cube transition style

Example Code
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{swiper fileIds="1472,1471,1470,1469,1468,4467,1466,1465" effect="cube" navigation="y" displayThumbnails="n" loop="y" autoPlay="y" autoHeight="n" slidesPerColumnFill="column" centeredSlides="n" slideToClickedSlide="n" freeMode="n" preloadImages="y" updateOnImagesReady="y" width="521px"}



Information Version
ibrahim mussa update missing image Id with new Id 41
Elifeleti Mukisa Dan 40
Elifeleti Mukisa Dan 39
Elifeleti Mukisa Dan 38
Benoit Grégoire 37
Marc Laporte 36
Torsten Fabricius 35
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Remove a link to a page showing a broken swiper (no images) 34
Marc Laporte 33
luciash d' being 🧙 32
luciash d' being 🧙 31
Mike Finko 30
Mike Finko 29
Mike Finko 28
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 27
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 26
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 25
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 24
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq swiper Plugin modified by editor. 23
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 22
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Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 19
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 18
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 17
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq swiper Plugin modified by editor. 16
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 15
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 14
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq swiper Plugin modified by editor. 13
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq swiper Plugin modified by editor. 12
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 11
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 10
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 9
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 8
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq need to enable plugin swiper 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 4
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq added link to temp documentation 3
Marc Laporte 2
Muhammad Bilal Siddiq 1