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Force-Filled Tracker Form


There are sometimes situations where you may want to make filling out some tracker information mandatory for users. Examples of this could be:

  • Filling out User Tracker information after social network registration
  • Filling out new fields that have been added to a user tracker
  • Requiring users to fill out a survey or something of the sort.

This feature allows administrators to force a popup with a tracker form to a logged-in user if he hasn't already completed it.


It's relatively easy to use this feature.

  1. Set up your tracker and ensure there is a user selector field with auto assign set to creator
  2. Go to /tiki-admin.php?page=trackers and enable "Force users to fill tracker information"
  3. Set the tracker id, the mandatory field, and a comma-separated list of fields that should show up on the form for the user.

For example, if we asked users to fill in their names, organization, and require that they accept the terms and condition of the site after registering via Facebook, it could look like this (assuming the User Tracker is tracker 1) :

Copy to clipboard
Tracker ID of tracker for force-filling: 1 Mandatory tracker field to check for force-filling: acceptedTerms Fields that are asked for in the modal for force-filling: firstName, lastName, organization,acceptedTerms

Now, as long as a user has not accepted the terms and conditions, they will be prompted with a popup to fill in the fields.
