Payment Preferences Tab
Option | Description | Default |
Payment system | Currently a choice between PayPal, and Cclite (in development), or Tiki User Credits. PayPal: see - Cclite: Community currency PayPal | Cclite | Tiki User Credits |
PayPal |
Currency | Currency used when entering payments. | USD |
Default acceptable payment delay | Number of days before a payment request becomes overdue. This can be changed per payment request. | 30 days |
Wiki page with manual payment instructions | Enter wiki page name | None |
User can only see own outstanding payments | Unless the user has administer-payment permissions, a user can only see his or her own outstanding payments | Disabled |
User can only see own past or cancelled payments | Unless the user has administer-payment permissions, the user can only see his or her own past or cancelled payments | Disabled |
Anonymous users can pay outstanding invoices | Anonymous users can see outstanding invoices to pay them through a simple shopping cart (without the need to set up the advanced cart). | Disabled |
PayPal ID | Enable payments through PayPal. This account can be either Personal, Business Standard, or Business Pro. A Personal account allows the receiving of small payments from shopping carts. A Business Standard account allows also the receiving of periodic payments through Plugin GroupMembership or receiving bigger amounts. And a Business Pro account allows further customization. See for more information and exact fees depending on your country and business type. Primary email of your PayPal account (Personal or Business). |
None |
PayPal business password | The PayPal password associated with your PayPal Pro business account. This is NOT needed for PayPal Personal or PayPal Standard Business accounts. Primary password of your PayPal Pro business account - OPTIONAL |
None |
Paypal business signature | Your API signature associated with your PayPal Pro business account. This is NOT needed for Paypal Personal or Paypal Standard Business accounts. Your API signature associated with your PayPal Pro business account - OPTIONAL |
None |
PayPal environment | Used to switch between the PayPal sandbox, used for testing and development and the live environment. Production | Sandbox |
Production |
PayPal instant payment notification (IPN) | Enable IPN for automatic payment completion. PayPal will ping back the site when a payment is confirmed. The payment will then be entered automatically. This may not be possible if the site is not on a public server. | Enabled |
Payment data transfer (PDT) | Enable PDT for automatic payment completion. PayPal will include information that allow to validate the payment when redirecting the user back to your website without waiting for PayPal to ping back the website like IPN. The payment will then be entered automatically. | Enabled |
Payment data transfer (PDT) token | Payment data transfer token to validate PDT messages, which should be available in the PayPal admin interface where you enable PDT. | None |
Redirect after PDT payment | Optionally, after receiving a successful payment, the user will be redirected to this page. | None |
Invoice prefix | The prefix must be set and unique if the same PayPal account is used for different Tiki sites, because PayPal checks that the invoice is not paid twice | None |
ILP server base url | Inter Ledger Protocol invoice server base url. | None |
ILP bearer token | Bearer token of ILP invoice server. | None |
Enforce SSL | Enforce SSL connecting to ILP server. | Disabled |
ILP Asset scale | Scale of amount denoted in assetCode. | 9 |
Cclite registries | Registries in Cclite Registry names in Cclite |
None |
Cclite registry currencies | Currencies in Cclite Each registry in Cclite can have its own currency. There must be one currency per registry (case sensitive). |
None |
Cclite server URL | Full URL of the repository for example, |
None |
Cclite merchant user | Username in Cclite representing "the management" | Manager |
Cclite merchant key | Corresponds with merchant key setting in Cclite | None |
Cclite enable payments | Select Cclite test or live operation. Live | Test |
Test |
Hashing algorithm | Encryption type SHA1 | SHA256 | SHA512 |
SHA1 |
Cclite payment notification | To do | Enabled |
Types of credit to use | This is a list of the types of Tiki user credits that are acceptable for payment. | None |
Exchange rate for types of credit to use | This is a corresponding list of the number of credits equivalent to 1 unit of the payment currency. | None |