The Configuration Sections ('Administration') panel
The config sections panel is where several settings about Tiki can be set. Administrators can access it using the Admin (click!) link from the menu box in the left navigation bar. Only users with admin permission can enter this screen.

Follow the Wiki links below to learn more about each icon.
- Features: Features Admin
- Enable/disable Tiki features here, but configure them elsewhere.
- Start here! You won't see hardly anything in Tiki until you enable some features.
- General: General Admin
- General preferences and settings
- Login: Login Config
- User registration, login and authentication
- Wiki: Wiki Config
- Wiki settings
- Image galleries: Image Gallery Config
- Image Gallery settings
- Articles (aka, CMS): Articles Config
- Articles settings
- Blogs: Blog Config
- Blog settings
- Forums: Forum Admin
- Forums settings
- Directory: Directory Admin
- Directory settings
- File galleries: File Gallery Config
- File Gallery settings
- FAQs:FAQ Admin
- FAQs settings
- Maps:Maps Admin
- Maps configuration
- Trackers: Tracker Admin
- Tracker settings
- User files: User Files Config
- User files
- Webmail
- Webmail
- Polls: Poll Admin
- Poll comments settings
- RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feeds: RSS Config RSS Admin RSS Config
- RSS settings
- Search: Search Admin
- Search settings
- Score: Score Config
- Score settings
- Meta Tags: Meta Tags
- Meta Tags settings
- Community: Community
- Community settings
- Site Identity: Site Identity Config
- Site Identity features
- Calendar
Additional Configuration
Please note: Several of these features must be further configured or enabled by expanding the Admin choice on the main menu. That is, click the symbol (or icon, depending on the theme you're using) immediately to the left of the words "Admin (click!)" to view a set of additional options, show here:

In the default setup, the symbol you need to click looks like two colons (::).
Setting Up Basic Permissions
As installed, TikiWiki is incredibly secure. So secure, in fact, that no-one can do anything except the administrator.
To make the permissions reasonable, expand the Admin menu as described above (note that the other right-bar items also have menus, by the way) and click on "Groups". You should see a page much like that shown here:

Most people will want Anonymous to have read access to most everything, and Registered to have, in addition to what Anonymous has, write access to things like the Tiki and the Forums.
To set this up, click on "assign_perms" in the "action" column at the far right from "Anonymous". You should see a page like this:

The simplest way to set the right permissions up is use the level of permissions dialog, where by default it says "assign all permissions in level: editors update" (the bold text here indicates drop down boxes). Leave the first drop down box at "assign" and select "basic" in the second drop down box, and click update.
There should now be a list of permissions that the Anonymous group has, with an "x" beside them that can be clicked to remove the permission.
Now go back and do the same thing for Registered, except instead of assigning "basic" permissions, assign "registered" permissions instead.
This should make things do what you expect.