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This page is only useful if you have a really old Tiki instance (pre 1.8.x)Tiki 1.8.0 was released on 2004-02-08 so it's highly unlikely that you still are running one.. Otherwise, see Upgrade

However, if you have a Tiki 1.7 installation, and would like to upgrade it to Tiki 3.x (or later), you still need to convert your database to Tiki 1.8.x format before converting to Tiki 3.x (or later) format.

Your database:
Tiki 1.7.x -> Tiki 1.8.x -> Tiki 1.9.x -> Tiki 3.x (or later)

How to convert a Tiki database from 1.7.x to 1.8.x

1-Get these three files


2- Backup your existing 1.7.x database (use the command mysqldump or use phpMyAdmin)

3- Run the upgrade scripts on your backup database

3a via phpmyadmin

Scripts needed to upgrade from 1.7.x to 1.8

  1. tiki_1.7to1.8.sql - this is the main upgrade script, it can be re-run as often as needed.
    • Note: errors relating to "duplicate entry" are normal and can be safely ignored
  2. comments_fix_1.7to1.8.sql - only run this once on a 1.7 database, then never again
  3. structure_fix_1.7to1.8.sql - only run this once on a 1.7 database, then never again
  4. tiki_1.7to1.8.sql - rerun to fix forums (can be run multiple times)

3b via shell (SSH)

Step by step:

  1. mysql -f -u dbuser -p tikidb < tiki_1.7to1.8.sql
  2. mysql -f -u dbuser -p tikidb < comments_fix_1.7to1.8.sql
  3. mysql -f -u dbuser -p tikidb < structure_fix_1.7to1.8.sql
  4. mysql -f -u dbuser -p tikidb < tiki_1.7to1.8.sql (re-run again to fix Forums)

Congratulations!. You now have a Tiki 1.8.x format database.

You can now use the regular Upgrade instructions to take you to the latest version.

Created by mlpvolt. Last Modification: Friday 26 July, 2019 13:02:04 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.