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This is a similar but different feature than Tiki References (introduced in Tiki10).


Introduced in Tiki7.

Zotero is a bibliography management system to manage references. The application exists as a Firefox plugin and more recently, as a standalone application. The Zotero platform supports synchronization to their server, providing backups and enabling group collaboration.

The integration with Tiki allows to bind the Tiki installation with a Zotero group on the centralized server. A plugin will be available to cite references within Tiki content to fetch the reference information and display it.

You will need to:

  1. Register on http://zotero.org
  2. Create a group for you and your collaborators
  3. Register an API Key at http://www.zotero.org/oauth/apps/new, allowing Tiki to securely communicate with the server:
    • Application Name: Your Name
    • Application Description: Some description
    • Application Website: http://yourwebsite.org
    • Application Type:
      • ( ) Client
      • (X) Browser
    • Callback URL: leave "callback URL" param empty'
    • Make sure to write down the Client Key and Client Secret. The secret is not stored by Zotero and they will not be able to provide it back to you.
  4. Enable Zotero and configure the Client Key and Client Secret, provided by the registration admin->features
  5. Authenticate the Tiki installation with Zotero, granting access for the site to the required group (a link is provided from the administration panel upon configuration)

To use Zotero, you will need to:

  1. Set-up the Zotero Bibliography Search module
  2. Enable the Zotero Citation plugin
  3. Enable PluginFootnote
  4. Enable PluginFootnoteArea

When searching for a tag in the module, the list of results will be provided. Clicking on a title will display the full citation and select the plugin that can be copied into the content of a page where a citation is required. Add {footnotearea} at the bottom of the page to include the references.

Zotero plugin generated by the module
Copy to clipboard
{zotero key=9R2FSN8K}

Additionally, the note argument can be specified to append arbitrary text after the reference, to include page numbers for example.

Zotero plugin generated by the module
Copy to clipboard
{zotero key=9R2FSN8K note=page 62}

Because the keys provided by the Zotero platform are machine generated, they cannot easily be remembered and require the use of the lookup module, which may be tedious. The tag argument can be used instead of key. When used this way, the plugin will use the first result as the reference. For this option to be useful, unique tags must be created per reference. For example, the common pattern of author name and year can be used.

Zotero plugin written manually
Copy to clipboard
{zotero tag=Boyle2008}

It is also possible to include the complete list of references with a certain tag from Zotero and format them according to the chosen rules. For example, a tag could be added on all references cited in a report and the ZOTEROLIST plugin can be used to display the summary.

ZoteroList plugin
Copy to clipboard
{zoterolist tag=MyBibliography}

 Common issues
  1. Enable SSL in your PHP installation
    • Trying to authenticate Tiki with Zotero, requires that SSL is enabled in PHP.
      That is: "extension=php_openssl.dll" must be uncommented in php.ini.
      If this is not done, the error "Error in HTTP request" will occur.
  2. This feature doesn't work with proxies
    • This feature doesn't work if your tiki site is in a server behind a proxy. If so, you might see an error message like:
      Error in HTTP request. Origin: Unable to Connect to ssl://www.zotero.org:443. Error #111: Connection refused
    • No workaround known so far.
  3. Public group?
    • If you configure your group as public in Zotero, the key registration and authentication parts may not be required. Simply configure the group ID.
