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History: PluginTracker


Information Version
Marc Laporte This is necessary in Tiki11, and is still good in previous versions to have valid URLs 130
lindon 129
lindon Fancy Table Plugin modified by editor. 128
lindon 127
Xavier de Pedro however, it doesn't work for me in 9.x (as of August 26th, 2012) 126
luciash d' being 🧙 125
E.W. Peter Jalajas oops, move that to TRACKERLIST 124
E.W. Peter Jalajas If you want more than one item to be displayed 123
E.W. Peter Jalajas 122
E.W. Peter Jalajas add user selector field visible by all. 121
pianoliv +tips to write a template 120
pianoliv parameter is "outputwiki" not "template pagename" AFAIK (last year kent's edit) 119
pianoliv broken link 118
pianoliv typo error 117
Marc Laporte typo 116
Marc Laporte 115
Nelson Ko Remove reference to strange feature which afaict would not have worked since long ago 114
Nelson Ko 113
Nelson Ko 112
Nelson Ko 111
Nelson Ko 110
Gary Cunningham-Lee Seeing if the sanitization will be removed. 109
Kent Barrett removed last edit (was in error) 107
Kent Barrett Changed parameter "outputwiki" to "outputwiki (Template Page)" Template page is what it's called in 6.x 106
sylvie 105
Christophe removed bad "tracker" link in first paragraph 104
luciash d' being 🧙 view_user param in URL has no effect for Tracker plugin in Tiki 5.x 103
Xavier de Pedro 102
lindon 101
lindon 100
lindon 99
lindon [rollback version 96] 98
lindon 97
lindon 96
Nelson Ko [rollback version 91] [rollback version 93] 95
lindon 94
Nelson Ko [rollback version 91] 93
lindon 92
Nelson Ko 91
Nelson Ko 90
Nelson Ko 89
Marc Laporte gone 88
Nelson Ko 87
Nelson Ko 86
sylvie 85
sylvie 84
sylvie [rollback version 81] 83
sylvie 82
sylvie 81
sylvie 80