History: API Tracker
Preview of version: 6
API Tracker
Tiki supports URL arguments and they can be used to interact with the Trackers and the plugins displaying or creating items. For example you can define a default value for a field in a customSearch or force the insertion of a value when creating an item.
Allow creation, edition and deletion of tracker items in a modal pop-up
This is the html syntax for use in a smarty template file.
<a class="click-modal tips" title=":Create new item" data-role="button" data-inline="true" href="tiki-tracker-insert_item?trackerId=1">Create new item</a>
<a class="click-modal tips" title=":Edit item" data-role="button" data-inline="true" href="tiki-tracker-update_item?trackerId=1&itemId=3">Edit item 3</a>
<a class="click-modal tips" title=":Remove item" data-role="button" data-inline="true" href="tiki-tracker-remove_item?trackerId=1&itemId=3">Remove item 3</a>
Update some fields of an item
If you want to update two fields which permanentNames are name and surname and leave the other fields unchanged:
(same principle for item creation)
To set a link that will create a new item and force-insert and hide a value for a field
Here we use it to create an item with a specific category Id.
(replace "childrenIdNumber" with your category field permaname)
This can be used with a variable like a field from a plugin list. Here we prefill the (user)name and hide it.The smarty replace modifier is required to remove extra space(s) added to the value(s)
tiki-tracker-insert_item?trackerId=11&forced~paymentsFamilyName={$row.name|replace:' ':''}
To set a link that will open the update modal for an existing item and insert a value for a field
Here we use it to create an item with a specific category Id.
(replace "permaname" with your category field permaname)
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