History: CalDAV
Source of version: 18
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! {{page}} New in ((Tiki21)): CalDAV support in Tiki ((Calendar)) via ((SabreDAV)). See also ((CardDAV)) and ((Calendar Invitations by email)). CalDAV URL is http://example.org/tiki-caldav.php but you should point to the base URL and let your CalDAV client auto-detect settings. If you need to connect your Tiki calendar and your client manually, use the following syntax of your credentials: url: ~np~https://~/np~''example.com''/tiki-caldav.php/calendars/''USERNAME''/calendar-''ID'' user: ''USERNAME'' password: ''PASSWORD'' ^Recommended clients to synchronize against the Tiki calendar (if you know something else or even better, please update this page): {FLUIDGRID()} -=Android:=- * [https://f-droid.org/en/packages/at.bitfire.davdroid/|DAVX5] through [https://f-droid.org/|F-Droid] --- -=GNU/Linux:=- * [https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution|Evolution] * [https://www.thunderbird.net/|Thunderbird] (+ [https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/calendar/|extension] if old versions) --- -=Mac OSX:=- * [https://www.thunderbird.net/|Thunderbird] (+ [https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/calendar/|extension] if old versions) --- -=MS Windows:=- * [https://www.thunderbird.net/|Thunderbird] (+ [https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/calendar/|extension] if old versions) {FLUIDGRID}^ !Adding a Tiki calendar to Thunderbird in 3 minutes (basic setup) # open the calendar tab in Thunderbird # create a new calendar, choose the option 'network', confirm # choose the option CalDav and provide your ''USERNAME'' and the url (your Tikis CalDav-address like ~np~https://~/np~''example.com''/tiki-caldav.php/calendars/''USERNAME''/calendar-''ID''), confirm # choose a name for the calendar to be displayed in Thunderbirds calendar list and a color for this calendars items/events, providing an email is optional, confirm # your calendar is now setup, confirm # activate the calendar by providing your username and password (accept to be stored on the local machine), confirm That's pretty much everything Related: ((Webmail)) This development was done as part of ((dev:Email as a first-class citizen))