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History: Calendar Admin

Source of version: 22

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            ! Calendar Admin
With administrative privileges, click Admin, then the Features icon. Under the Tiki Sections and Features heading, find and check the Tiki Calendar checkbox, then save your changes. You now should see a Calendar item when you expand the Admin menu. 

!! Calendar settings
You can select the Calendar settings through the Main Application menu "Admin home > Calendar (icon)" {img src=img/icons/admin_calendar.png} (which will lead you to __tiki-admin.php?page=calendar__)

^::{img src="img/wiki_up/calendar_admin_settings_01.png" }::^

!! Create or edit calendars
Click on "Admin > Calendar" to go to Calendar Admin (__tiki-admin_calendars.php__). 

There are two sections (tables) to this screen: 
^::{img src="img/wiki_up/calendars_admin_tikineat_01.png" }::^

^::{img src="img/wiki_up/calendars_admin_tikineat_02.png" }::^

!! Assigning permissions
^::{img src="img/wiki_up/calendars_admin_tikineat_03.png" }::^

!! Personal calendar
The personal calendar is a calendar where an event is only visible by the user that creates it. Physically it is a big unique calendar in the database that contains all the events. An event is displayed only for his creator. A personal calendar has special perms that needs to be reserved to work correctly. The admin can choice a name for a personal calendar. You can have more than one personal calendar.

!! Urls
*The url to display one calendar is
+ __tiki-calendar.php?calIds[]=5__, if 5 is the id of the calendar you want to display

*To display more than one calendar
+ __tiki-calendar.php?calIds[]=5&calIds[]=1__, if 5 and 1 are the calendar ids

*To display all the calendars (> tikiwiki1.10)
+ __tiki-calendar.php?allCals=y__

-=Related pages=-
* ((Calendar))
* ((Calendar User))
* ((Calendar Details))
* ((Js Calendar))


Information Version
Josue Zirimwabagabo 41
Josue Zirimwabagabo 40
drsassafras remove legacy info 39
Yves Kipondo 38
Xavier de Pedro 37
Geoff Brickell 36
Xavier de Pedro 35
Xavier de Pedro 34
sylvie 33
sylvie 32
Scot Wilcoxon Found some of the Custom selections have specialized functions. 31
Scot Wilcoxon forgot Custom Languages 30
Scot Wilcoxon explain the list of Custom boolean options 29
Scot Wilcoxon sp 28
dthacker added toc 27
dthacker Added explanation of fields on global settings page. 26
dthacker Half of table built. 25
dthacker added new icon and screenshot. 24
dthacker Quick Update 23
Xavier de Pedro 22
Xavier de Pedro 21
Xavier de Pedro 20
Xavier de Pedro 19
Xavier de Pedro 18
Xavier de Pedro 17
Xavier de Pedro 16
sylvie 15
Marc Laporte Assigning permissions 14
Marc Laporte 13
sylvie 12
jcwinnie 11
jcwinnie 10
jcwinnie 9
jcwinnie 8
jcwinnie 7
jcwinnie 6
jcwinnie 5
jcwinnie 4
Mose 3
system created from stucture 2