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History: Converting from Tiki syntax to Markdown

Source of version: 14

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            ! {{page}}

New in ((Tiki25)) and improved in ((Tiki26)): Native support for ((Tiki-Flavored Markdown)). But what if you have content in Tiki syntax?

^ As of 2023-04, this is still experimental. You should first use on a test database, and review results before running on a production database. It is not yet ready to be ran on *.tiki.org sites (which do have a huge quantity of diverse content).

We are testing on:
* https://markdownthemes.tiki.org
* https://markdowndoc.tiki.org/
* https://markdowndev.tiki.org/

Please see the evolution: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commits/master?search=markdown

As of 2023-08-02, a root cronjob is ran on /root/predogfood.sh which contains
# markdownthemes.tiki.org
echo "========== markdownthemes.tiki.org ============"
cd /opt/tiki-manager/app/
php tiki-manager instance:clone --source=2 --target=9 --no-interaction --direct --skip-reindex --skip-cache-warmup --only-data -vv
php tiki-manager instance:update --instances=9 --no-interaction --skip-reindex --skip-cache-warmup --stash -vv
php tiki-manager.php instance:profile:apply --instances=9 --profile=Markdown_Settings --no-interaction -vv
php tiki-manager.php instance:maintenance --instances=9 on

cd /home/tiki-markdownthemes/public_html
php8.1 console.php markdown:convert --markdown --save -vv
php8.1 console.php plugin:refresh -vv
php8.1 console.php plugin:approve --all -vv
php8.1 console.php user:password admin (redacted) -vv
php8.1 console.php index:rebuild --log -vv

cd /opt/tiki-manager/app/
php tiki-manager.php instance:maintenance --instances=9 off


!! Test what conversion will do
This will show conversion in the command line interface.
php console.php markdown:convert --markdown

!! Do the actual conversion
You should first do this on a test backup instance.
php console.php markdown:convert --markdown --save

!! Notes
* ((MakeTOC)) has been deprecated and is not available in Markdown. Please use ((PluginAutoTOC)) instead.
* Some content can't be automatically converted so you'll have to do manually (it will be indicated)
* We extended Markdown
** https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/f909b7312a1f242942d7e110caba7dc00f320f78


Information Version
ibrahim mussa Provide information related to a specific page and save conversion of a page 16
Marc Laporte 15
Marc Laporte 14
Marc Laporte Explaining how we do it 13
Marc Laporte 12
Marc Laporte Progress, but keeping expectations low 11
Marc Laporte 10
Marc Laporte 9
Marc Laporte 8
Marc Laporte 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1