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History: Currency Amount Tracker Field

Preview of version: 8

Currency Amount Tracker Field

This field is used to display amounts in currency, using local currency symbols, three-letter international currency codes, or codes of your own making (for a community currency, for instance). Country conventions for decimals and separating thousands can also be set.


Parameter Value Default Description
amount any decimal 20.99 the calculation of the amount
sourceCurrency 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code CAD source currency,which currency is the amount in?. The three-letter currency code for Amount
exchangeRatesTrackerId number 50 the currency field of the tracker
samerow 0 or 1 0 Will display the next field or checkbox in the same row if set to 1
size number of charcters 17 The visible size of the field in characters
prepend any text none Text that will be displayed before the field
append any text none Text that will be displayed just after the field
locale language_country code, for example en_US or en_US.UTF-8 or en_US.ISO-8559-1 en_US This language code (ISO 639) + country code (ISO 6339) determines how decimals are displayed and what thousands separator is used
defaultCurrency 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code USD The three-letter currency code that will display as convert currency
symbol i or n n Set to i for international symbol, n for local
all_symbol 0 or 1 0 Set to 1 to show symbol for every item (default only shows currency symbol on first item in a list)


locale set to fr_CA
(language = French
country = Canada)
locale set to ja_JP
(language = Japanese
country = Japan)
locale set to de_DE (Germany)
symbol set to i
all_symbol set to 1


In Tiki19, this field was improved so it can track values in any currency, and on mouse-over, show the equivalent value in other currencies. This is very useful if you need to track items in many currencies. For example, you get paid in more than one currency, and you'd like to know the value in other currencies.

The exchange rates are stored in a tracker. You can set date ranges for exchange rates.

This field had a bunch of incremental fixes and enhancements in branch 20.x in September 2019, so if you intend to use seriously, you should probably get the Daily Build or from SVN.

Exchange rate example



Copy to clipboard
{currency amount=20.99 sourceCurrency=CAD exchangeRatesTrackerId=50 prepend= append= locale=en_US.UTF-8 defaultCurrency=USD symbol=n allSymbol=0}


Information Version
Jonny Bradley 14
Marc Laporte 13
Xavier de Pedro 12
Xavier de Pedro 11
Marc Laporte 10
Marc Laporte 9
Manasse Ngudia 8
Manasse Ngudia 7
Manasse Ngudia 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte 4
Marc Laporte 3
lindon 1