History: Cypht in Tiki vs Cypht standalone
Preview of version: 5
Cypht in Tiki vs Cypht standalone
Cypht is a webmail aggregator. It was picked to become Tiki's webmail component.
So what features go to Cypht vs Tiki?
Cypht is a standalone webmail and an independent project. However, in the last few years, Tiki developers have had a preponderant influence because they contributed a lot of code.
As much as reasonably possible, we add features to Cypht to make them available to a boader community. But for some features, it's quite debatable if it should be in Cypht. A good example is advanced calendar support. From the moment a tool is used as someone's main calendar, there can be a need for CalDAV, CardDAV, invitations by email, appointment slots, permissions and delegation, recurring events, etc.. This can become quite complex. Tiki already has an advanced Calendar system.
If you use Cypht, and are ́lacking some features, you will likely find them in Tiki. Similary, Roundcube doesn't support a built-in calendar and relies on plugins like Kolab's calendar
How Cypht and Tiki are converging
- License
- Dependencies
- Lifecycle
- Cypht added an LTS: https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/wiki/Lifecycle
What Tiki does extra
- Parts of Email filters
- Calendar Invitations by email
- More advanced Contacts