History: Date Tracker Fields
Source of version: 15
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! Date / Jscalendar Tracker Field Three tracker field types allows you to have date/time in tikiwiki * Date & Time * Date Only * Jscalendar if the feature jscalendar is activated Date Only is currently only available in tikiwiki 1.9, the other two are available in tikiwik>=1.9 The options on Date & Time and Jscalendar types are only available in tikiwiki>= 1.10 Here is an example of the plugin tracker on a tracker using different comfiguration of these fields {BOX()} {img src="img/wiki_up/date.jpg"} {BOX} In this example you see the popup of the jscalendar field that has been opened. Note that this image does not depict the Date Only field. !Date & Time Tracker Field The options are: ||__Parameters__|__Value__|__Description__ date_time|dt or d or t|dt for date and time, d for date, t for time (only for tw>?) start_year|4 digits number|first year in the drop down (ex: 1968) - no significant for jscalendar end_year|4 digits number|first year in the drop down (ex: 1968) - no significant for jscalendar blank_date|blank| allows to have date not set || {BOX(float="right",width="30%")}Date can be blank, but does not default to blank. Blank by selecting empty in any date field.{BOX}It the parameter date_time is 'd', the user will be asked to enter only a date not a time. If the param blank_date is 'blank', the user can --not fill-- empty the field. If the field is flagged as Mandatory, this option is ignored. If the field is flagged as ''not'' Mandatory, then the addition of an empty option will default the field to --a blank date instead of-- the current date or the stored date for the field. !Jscalendar Tracker Field The option is : ||__Parameters__|__Value__|__Description__ date_time|dt or d|dt for date and time(default), d for date || It the date_time is date, the user will be ask to enter only a date not a time.It the date can be blank, the user can not fill the field. !Alias *(alias(Date / Jscalendar Tracker Field)) *(alias(Date and time Tracker Field))