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History: FAQ User

Source of version: 9 (current)

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            !FAQs User

Users with __tiki_p_view_faqs__ ((Permissions|permission)) can view the FAQs.
#To view the available FAQs, select __FAQs > List FAQs__ from the main menu. The FAQs page (tiki-list_faqs.php) appears. The Available FAQs section shows a list of the FAQs to choose from. %%% {img src=http://tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/AvailableFAQs.png width=418 height=196 desc="Available FAQs area of the FAQs page." alt="Available FAQs area of the FAQs page."} %%%||__Field__|__Description__
Title|Name of the FAQ section. Click the title to display the individual FAQs in each section.
Description|Description of each FAQ section.
Visits|Number of views (hits) to each FAQ section.
Questions|Number individual FAQs (and suggested questions) in each section|| %%% %%%
#Click an FAQ section to display its individual FAQs on the tiki-view_faq.php page: %%% {img src=http://tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/FAQQuestions.png width=425 height=433 desc="List of FAQ Questiosn." alt="List of FAQ Questions."}

!Creating new FAQ sections
FAQs are grouped into sections. Each specific FAQ must belong to at least one section. Users with __tiki_p_admin_faqs__ ((permissions)) can create new FAQ sections:
#From the main menu, select __FAQs > Admin FAQs__. The FAQs page (tiki-list_faqs.php) appears.
#Complete the fields in the __Create New FAQ__ form to create a new FAQ section: %%% ||__Field__|__Description__
Title|Name of the FAQ section. 
Description|Description of the FAQ section.
Categorize|Click __Show categories__ to select a ((Category|category)) for this FAQ section.
Users can suggest questions|Specify if users with tiki_p_view_faqs ((Permissions|permission)) can suggestion new FAQs for this section. This is useful to allow users to provide feedback to your site's FAQs.|| %%% %%%
#Click __Save__. Tiki adds the FAQ section to the list of FAQs.

-=Related pages=-
* ((FAQ))
* ((FAQ Admin))

There are a couple of modules related to FAQ's:
* ((Module top_visited_faqs))
* ((Module last_created_faqs))