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History: Interledger Protocol payments

Source of version: 3

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            !! What is Interledger Protocol (ILP) payments?
[https://interledger.org/|Interledger Protocol (ILP)] payments is a new feature coming in ((Tiki24|Tiki 24)). Interledger is an open and inclusive payments network. The Interledger Protocol is an open protocol suite for sending payments across different ledgers.

!! How does Interledger Protocol (ILP) work?
The [https://interledger.org/rfcs/0027-interledger-protocol-4/|Interledger Protocol] is a set of rules that define how nodes should send value over the Interledger network. A single aggregate payment from source to destination is split into multiple ILP packets. Each ILP packet contains transaction information, which is private to the nodes participating in the transaction. The sender constructs and sends a Prepare packet as a request to the connecting router. The routers forward the packet until it reaches the receiver. The receiver then accepts or rejects the packet by sending a Fulfill packet or a Reject packet as the response. The routers relay the response from the receiver back to the sender. When the sender receives a Fulfill packet, it knows that the packet was successfully delivered to the receiver. The sender then continues to send the remaining Prepare packets until the value is fully transferred.

!! Why use Interledger Protocol (ILP)?
- Simplicity for end-users to transfer value over different networks
- Speed over traditional payment rails
- Reduced cost as competition to connect networks grows and incentivizes lower prices
- Trustworthiness as tracking transactions and all-or-nothing (atomic) transactions guarantee that the value does not get lost due to fees and returns
 - Packetizing value -- splitting up larger transfers into many lower-value packets which increases the network’s efficiency, security and interoperability

!! How to do Interledger Protocol (ILP) payments using Tiki?
Explained below is the step by step guide to implement Interledger Protocol (ILP) payments in Tiki assuming there is a working domain already setup, in this example with the following characteristics :
 - Domain name ilp.*
 - Path of your home /home/ilp/
 - Username ilp
 - Database name ilp
 - Some strong passwords

!!! __Step 1 - Getting and installing a compatible Tiki instance__:
At the date of this writing you have to use a specific 24.x version; it will be committed to master soon and available into the Tiki Manager.

!!! __Step 2 - Running the ILP moneyd local test network and the ILP SPSP Invoice Server__
[https://github.com/interledgerjs/moneyd|MoneyD] allows you to run an isolated local test network for development. The [https://github.com/interledgerjs/ilp-spsp-server|ILP SPSP] is a basic protocol for exchanging payment information between payee and payer to facilitate payment over Interledger. In our case Tiki is the client, that talks to the SPSP server.

''a. Navigate one level up your website directory''
-+cd ..+-

''b. Create a directory where we will get the tools and enter it''
-+mkdir ilp-tools && cd ilp-tools+-

''c. Export the path so you can run npm commands as your user''
-+wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v14.17.5/node-v14.17.5-linux-x64.tar.gz+-
-+tar zxvf node-v14.17.5-linux-x64.tar.gz+-
-+export PATH=/home/ilp/ilp-tools/node-v14.17.5-linux-x64/bin:$PATH+-

''d. Install moneyd and the PM2 daemon process manager via npm''
-+npm install moneyd+-
-+npm install pm2+-

''e. Finally install the ilp-spsp server''
-+git clone https://github.com/interledgerjs/ilp-spsp-invoice-server.git+-
-+cd ilp-spsp-invoice-server+-
-+npm install+-

''f. Restore your path and start moneyd and PM2''
-+export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:$PATH+-
-+pm2 start "moneyd local"+-
-+pm2 start index.js+-
-+pm2 status index.js+- should print an "online" green status

{img src="display1775" link="display1775" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

!!! __Step 3 - Setup the Tiki ILP payment feature and a basic cart__
Head to your Tiki instance __Settings__ > __Control panels__ and __Set as my default__ the "Advanced" and "Experimental" filters to have all the options available
{img src="display1776" link="display1776" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

Navigate to __Global setup__ > __Features__ and activate the __Payment__ feature
{img src="display1777" link="display1777" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

In __Global setup__ > __Profiles__ search for Shopping_Cart, click the result, fill __Currency initials__ and __Currency symbol__ as XRP and __Apply__. You now have a basic shop.
{img src="display1778" link="display1778" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

Click on the link near the check button or navigate via the right menu to __Miscellanous__ > __Payment__ and select Inter Ledger Protocol as the __Payment system__, XRP for __Currency__, check __User can only see own outstanding payments__, and __User can only see own past or cancelled payments__
{img src="display1779" link="display1779" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

Bellow fill in the __ILP server base url__ as http://localhost:6000 and the __ILP bearer token__ as test and __Apply__ the settings
{img src="display1780" link="display1780" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

Click the Plugins tab, fill __Plugin Add to cart__, __Plugin Member Payment__ and __Plugin Payment __
{img src="display1781" link="display1781" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

!!! __Step 4 - Test an order__
Add a product to your cart, click __Check-out__ in the right panel to obtain the ILP pointer for the payment
{img src="display1782" link="display1782" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

Copy the link, and back at the command line send 5XRP
-+ilp-spsp send -a 5 -p http://localhost:6000/0787e2ba-d358-4cb7-901b-8d96350e2887+- should respond with amount sent ie "sent 5 units!"

Reload the page or __Check Payment __and your payment will be confirmed
{img src="display1783" link="display1783" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}


Information Version
luciash d' being 🧙 alias added 10
luciash d' being 🧙 9
luciash d' being 🧙 related links for backlinks 8
luciash d' being 🧙 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte 4
Michael Imbeault 3
Michael Imbeault 2
Michael Imbeault 1