History: Karma
Source of version: 2 (current)
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! Karma {DIV(class="alert alert-warning")}__FYI__: This feature has been removed from Tiki. This page contains old information may be updated appropriately. {DIV} This pages explains the relationship between voting ((Comments)) and the ((Karma)) system If enabled by the admin you may be able to vote comments from 1 (poor) to 5 (very cool) in the title bar for each comment. When a user votes a comment the Tiki karma system for comments is applied, the karma system works following this rules: * Each registered user have an associated number of points , an average between the user points and the number of votes gives a user a certain karma level varying from 0 to 5. * Users gain points when a comment posted by him/her is voted, when someone votes a user comment with 3 the user gains 3 points and earns one vote. * When a user votes a comment the number of poinst added to the comment depends on the karma level of the user, if the user has a high karma level the comment receives more points. For example a vote of 5 for a comment may add 4.22 points if the user has a very good karma or only 0.23 if the user has a lower karma level. This system makes users that post good comments gain more karma and so their votes will make comments voted by them rank higher . ^__NOTE__: The current Karma system has a conceptual problem: if user A has a karma of 1, user B has a karma of 5 and A gives rating 5 to B, B will be given rating 1 (because of A's karma) and so B will have karma lowered. This happens because user's vote weight and his points are the same field, can be solved by separating in two fields. ((tw:UserPagelfagundes|lfagundes)) ^ !! Related pages * ((Score)) * ((Score vs Karma))