History: Maps
Source of version: 43
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! {icon name="map-marker"} Maps {DIV(class="lead")}Since the removal of all MapServer-specific code in Tiki 15, there is no longer a Map feature that can be set on or off as such, but there are a number of map-specific configurations that can be set in the Maps administration screen. With the use of the Map wiki plugin and other associated tools you can display interactive maps of any area in the world than can be panned and zoomed, as well as having editable objects placed on top of the map layer using complex programmable logic. Tiki combined with this feature can be thought of as a __Geospatial Content Management System (GeoCMS)__. {DIV} The following sections provide some further detail about the historical evolution of the map capabilities with ((PluginMap)) providing more detailed information on usage methods. It must be emphasised, however, that from Tiki12 onwards the use of MapServer is not recommended and, as mentioned above, it has been completely removed from Tiki15 onwards. {include page="Maps General information"} __To access__: Click the __Maps__ icon {icon name="admin_maps" size="2" title="Image may vary depending on icon set in use."} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or Access __http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=maps__ !! Tiki 10.1 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Street_View|Google Street View] was already in Tiki, but is [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44652/|now easier to access] (for 10.1) !! Major improvements in Tiki7-8-9-10 There have been many fixes and improvements which were done for the [http://profiles.tiki.org/CartoGraf|CartoGraf project], an interactive web-based mapping application to enhance learning in history and geography classes in high schools. CartoGraf is mainly based on ((Maps)), ((Drawings)), ((PluginAppFrame)) and ((Trackers)). This is a great example of how to use ((profiles)) to use a general purpose app (Tiki) to make a very specific application (CartoGraf). See the page ((Geolocation)), which tell you how to use the several options to geolocate tiki objects. {img src="display707" url="display707" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} !! Pre-Tiki7 implementation The system was based on the ((Mapserver)) software from the University of Minesota. Tiki provides a nice, easy and integrated interface to the Mapserver. Applications are unlimited: * help to decision making by providing relevant geographical information * geology mapping * environmental mapping * location mapping * creating interactive geographical manuals * ... This system can be part of an e-government initiative. However, enabling this feature is not trivial (yet) as it requires installing correctly the Mapserver Software with its php mapscript extension. The system is composed of a Map viewer, a Layer Management tool and a Mapfiles manager. In short to create a map: *you upload your GIS files using the ((Maps Layer Management)). *you create and edit a Mapfile using the ((Maps Mapfiles Manager)) *you display the map inside the Map viewer !!! Maps pre-Tiki9 features Using Mapserver. * ((Maps User)): How to operate the maps viewer * Maps Editor: How to create maps ** Maps Layer Management ** Maps Mapfiles Manager ** ((Maps Details)): Tips, tutorials and troubleshooting *** ((Maps Mapfile Tutorial)): A tutorial on mapfile editing *** ((Maps MapView)): Creating specifc views for a map * ((Maps Admin)): To install and administer the system. ** ((Maps Install)): Installing the php mapscript extension ** ((Maps Config)): Configuring parameters in the admin interface ^It is advised to read the [http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/|MapServer] Documentation on how to install and operate the MapServer software. Some specific information to enable Mapserver inside Tiki is in ((Maps Admin)).^ -=alias=- *(alias(Map))