! {icon name="map-marker"} Maps
{DIV(class="lead")}Since the removal of all MapServer-specific code in Tiki 15, there is no longer a Map feature that can be set on or off as such, but there are a number of map-specific configurations that can be set on the Maps administration page.
With the use of the Map wiki plugin and other associated tools you can display interactive maps of any area in the world than can be panned and zoomed, as well as having editable objects placed on top of the map layer using complex programmable logic.
With these tools activated, Tiki can be considered a __Geospatial Content Management System (GeoCMS)__. {DIV}
The following sections provide further details about the historical evolution of the map capabilities with ((PluginMap)) providing more detailed information on usage methods.
To repeat, MapServer was completely removed in Tiki15.
{include page="Maps General information"}
__To access__: Click the __Maps__ icon {icon name="admin_maps" size="2" title="Image may vary depending on icon set in use."} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or Access __http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=maps__
On this #tikiexpresstutorial, using #tiki19 I’ll show you:
How to enable a feature from the Control Panels
How to enable a Global Feature from the features panel
How to enable an Interface feature
A quick overview of the Programmer features
And where to look for feature options