History: Meta Elements
Source of version: 28
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!Meta Tags Configuration page {DIV(float=right,width="200px")}^::Related Topics:: * ((Search engine optimization)) *((dev:Administration|Bugs and Wishes)) *[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/global.html#h-7.4.4|W3C specification]^{DIV} ;__Overview__: Use this page to include -+<meta>+- tags within the -+<head></head>+- elements of your Tiki pages. ;__To access__: Click the __Meta Tags__ icon {img src=pics/large/metatags.png height=32 width=32 alt="Meta Tags button"} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or %%% Access __http://yourdomain.com/tiki-admin.php?page=metatags__ ;__Note__: Many search engines use this information to index your site and to format information on results pages. {TABS(name="metatags" tabs="7.x|6.x|3.x" toggle="y" inside_pretty="n")} {img fileId="494" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="300" alt="Meta Tags page" desc="Meta Tags page" align="center" imalign="center"} {FANCYTABLE(head="Setting~|~ Description ~|~ Default" sortable="n" colwidths="25%|60%|15%" colaligns="left" colvaligns="top")} __Meta tags__ ~|~ ~|~ Keywords ~|~ A list of key words (separated by commas) that describe your site. ~|~ Include Freetags ~|~ If the freetags feature is enabled, use the freetags in the meta keywords for each page with freetags set. This, combined with freetags, allows individual pages on the site to carry different meta tags. ~|~ Use Thread Title ~|~ Use the forum thread title in the meta title tag ~|~ Use Image Title ~|~ Use the image title in the meta title tag ~|~ Description ~|~ A short description of your site. Some search engines display this information with your site's listing. ~|~ Use individual page description ~|~ ~|~ Author ~|~ The author of your site. Typically this will be the Admin or Webmaster. ~|~ __Geo URL__ ~|~ ~|~ geo.position ~|~ The latitude and longitude of the physical location of your Tiki. For example, the geo.position for http://www.whitehouse.gov in Washington, DC, USA is:%%%38.898748, -77.037684%%%See http://geotags.com/geo/geotags2.html or http://geourl.org/ for additional information, including instructions on calculating your geourl. ~|~ geo.region ~|~ The [http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/list-en1.html|ISO-3166-1 Country] and [http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/04background-on-iso-3166/iso3166-2.html|ISO-3166-2 Region code] for your location. ~|~ geo.placename ~|~ A free-text description of your location. ~|~ __Robots__ ~|~ Meta Robots ~|~ Specify how web-bots should index your site. Valid values include:%%%INDEX or NOINDEX%%%FOLLOW or NOFOLLOW ~|~ Revist after ~|~ Specify how often (in days) web-bots should visit your site. ~|~ {FANCYTABLE} ///// {img fileId="494" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="300" alt="Meta Tags page" desc="Meta Tags page" align="center" imalign="center"} {FANCYTABLE(head="Setting~|~ Description ~|~ Default" sortable="n" colwidths="25%|60%|15%" colaligns="left" colvaligns="top")} __Meta tags__ ~|~ ~|~ Keywords ~|~ A list of key words (separated by commas) that describe your site. ~|~ Include Freetags ~|~ If the freetags feature is enabled, use the freetags in the meta keywords for each page with freetags set. This, combined with freetags, allows individual pages on the site to carry different meta tags. ~|~ Use Thread Title ~|~ Use the forum thread title in the meta title tag ~|~ Use Image Title ~|~ Use the image title in the meta title tag ~|~ Description ~|~ A short description of your site. Some search engines display this information with your site's listing. ~|~ Use individual page description ~|~ ~|~ Author ~|~ The author of your site. Typically this will be the Admin or Webmaster. ~|~ __Geo URL__ ~|~ ~|~ geo.position ~|~ The latitude and longitude of the physical location of your Tiki. For example, the geo.position for http://www.whitehouse.gov in Washington, DC, USA is:%%%38.898748, -77.037684%%%See http://geotags.com/geo/geotags2.html or http://geourl.org/ for additional information, including instructions on calculating your geourl. ~|~ geo.region ~|~ The [http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/list-en1.html|ISO-3166-1 Country] and [http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/04background-on-iso-3166/iso3166-2.html|ISO-3166-2 Region code] for your location. ~|~ geo.placename ~|~ A free-text description of your location. ~|~ __Robots__ ~|~ Meta Robots ~|~ Specify how web-bots should index your site. Valid values include:%%%INDEX or NOINDEX%%%FOLLOW or NOFOLLOW ~|~ Revist after ~|~ Specify how often (in days) web-bots should visit your site. ~|~ {FANCYTABLE} ///// !Meta Tags Config Use -+<meta>+- tags to include metadata about your Tiki. This information is placed within the -+<head></head>+- tags of your pages. Many search engines use this information to index your site and to format information on results pages. Click the __Meta Tags__ icon {img src=img/icons/admin_metatags.png height=32 width=32 alt="Meta Tags button"} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) to display the Meta Tags Administration screen. Use the Meta Tags Administration panel to define the -+<meta>+- tags included in the header information of each Tiki page. ||__Setting__|__Description__ Meta Keywords|A list of key words (separated by commas) that describe your site. Insert freetags in keyword list|If the freetags feature is enabled, use the freetags in the meta keywords for each page with freetags set. This, combined with freetags, allows individual pages on the site to carry different meta tags. Use the thread title in Forum pages instead|Use the forum thread title in the meta title tag Use the image title in Image gallery pages instead|Use the image title in the meta title tag Meta Description|A short description of your site. Some search engines display this information with your site's listing. Meta Author|The author of your site. Typically this will be the Admin or Webmaster. geo.position|The latitude and longitude of the physical location of your Tiki. For example, the geo.position for http://www.whitehouse.gov in Washington, DC, USA is:%%%38.898748, -77.037684%%%See http://geotags.com/geo/geotags2.html or http://geourl.org/ for additional information, including instructions on calculating your geourl. geo.region|The [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1|ISO-3166 Country and Region Codes] for your location. For example, "US-NY". geo.placename|A free-text description of your location. Meta Robots|Specify how web-bots should index your site. Valid values include:%%%INDEX or NOINDEX%%%FOLLOW or NOFOLLOW Revist after|Specify how often (in days) web-bots should visit your site.|| To add additional -+<meta>+- tags, you must manually update the __header.tpl__ ((Edit Templates|template file)). -=Troubleshooting=- If you find that these preferences are not taking affect and not persisting - when you click "change settings" nothing happens and the flag is cleared on the next screen, you may find that the rows are missing from tiki preferences. Ensure the following rows exist: {CODE()} INSERT INTO `tiki_preferences` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('metatag_freetags', 'y'); INSERT INTO `tiki_preferences` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('metatag_threadtitle', 'y'); INSERT INTO `tiki_preferences` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('metatag_imagetitle', 'y'); {CODE} {TABS} -=Alias=- *(alias(MetaTag)) *(alias(MetaTags)) *(alias(Meta Tag)) *(alias(Meta Tags)) *(alias(Meta Tags Config))