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History: Mobile

Source of version: 26 (current)

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            ! Mobile 
All Tiki-based websites are fully usable in all screen sizes, from mobile phones and tablets to laptops and desktop displays. Tiki's mobile-device support has evolved as the underlying technology progressed.

!! Tiki 25 (2022)
In ((Tiki25)), Tiki upgraded its Bootstrap version again, this time to ((themes:Bootstrap)) 5.

!! Tiki 19 (2018)
In ((Tiki19)), Tiki upgraded to ((themes:Bootstrap)) 4 .

!! Tiki 13 (2014)
Starting in ((Tiki13)), Tiki began using the ((themes:Bootstrap)) 3 mobile-first front-end framework.

!! Tiki 7 (2011)
Starting in Tiki 7, the mobile version was powered by [http://jquerymobile.com/|jQuery Mobile] and [http://mobileesp.com/|MobileESP].

!! Since Tiki 1.7 (2003)
Mobile views were first available in Tiki 1.7, thanks to the power of the HAWHAW library. This was limited to wiki pages, articles and forums. Other Tiki areas and authentication were not supported. Here are examples of small font size view and magnified version:

^::{img src="img/wiki_up/mobile_tiki_02.png" desc="Small font size" width=350 }::^

^::{img src="img/wiki_up/mobile_tiki_04.png" desc="Magnified font size" width=350 }::^

Useful links (out of date):
[http://mobile.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=TestSyntax|What is supported from the wiki syntax?]



Information Version
Marc Laporte 26
Gary Cunningham-Lee Updated information. 25
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added info for Bootstrap 5; removed old content. 24
Marc Laporte Updating history 23
Marc Laporte 22
Xavier de Pedro 21
Xavier de Pedro 20
Xavier de Pedro 19
Xavier de Pedro 18
Xavier de Pedro 17
Jonny Bradley 16
Jonny Bradley 15
Xavier de Pedro thanks jonnyb 14
Marc Laporte 13
Marc Laporte 12
Marc Laporte Tiki7! 10
Gergely 9
Gergely added some useful links 8
mehtuus Corrected grammar. 7
Xavier de Pedro 6
Damian Parker Better than just a link eh ? 5
Marc Laporte adding link to new site 4
Mose 3
system created from stucture 2