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History: Mod userprefstats

Source of version: 5 (current)

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            !!! Mod userprefstats
This module reports simple stats for User preferences.

!!!! Install
See ((Mods Admin)) for instructions on how to install a Mod.

!!!! Usage
Once installed, you have to write this url in the browser: __http://example.org/stats.php__, to see something like:

^::{img src="img/wiki_up/mod_user_prefs_stats_01.png" }::^

Then, you can click to any of the options listed (Countries, Languages, Timezones and Themes) to see the preferences of the tiki users on this site.

!!!!! Countries 
^::{img src="img/wiki_up/mod_user_prefs_stats_02.png" }::^

!!!!! Languages 
^::{img src="img/wiki_up/mod_user_prefs_stats_03.png" }::^

!!!!! Timezones 
^::{img src="img/wiki_up/mod_user_prefs_stats_04.png" }::^

!!!!! Themes 
^::{img src="img/wiki_up/mod_user_prefs_stats_05.png" }::^

-=Related pages=-
* ((Mods))
* ((Mods User))
* ((Mods Admin))
* ((Mods Details))
* ((Mods List))