History: Module Google AdSense
Preview of version: 8
Module Adsense
This Module adds a Google Adsense advertisement to your Tiki. To use this module, you must have a Goolge Adsense key. See https://www.google.com/adsense for more information.
Table of contents
You will see it listed at ""Admin > Modules > Assign new module > Module Name (drop down)" (tiki-admin_modules.php).
You can assign a this Module to a lateral column (See Module Admin page if needed), or you can include it within a wiki page, using the PluginModule.
The assigned module looks like this:
image here (without surrounding box, since it's not needed for module boxes)
Parameter | Description | Required? |
client | Your Adsense publisher ID. It may look similar to: pub-############### | Y |
display | The type of ad to display. See ad formats for more information. This module currently supports the following text ad formats: 728*90_as, 468*60_as, 234*60_as, 125*125_as, 120*600_as, 160*600_as, 185*150_as, 120*240_as, 200*200_as, 250*250_as, 300*250_as, and 335*280_as. |
Y |
ad_channel | The ad channel for tracking this ad's performance. See Google for more information. | N |
color_border | The color of the ad border. | N |
color_bg | The color of the ad background. | N |
color_link | The color of the ad links | N |
color_url | The color of the ad URL. | N |
color_text | The color of the ad text. | N |
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