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History: Module articles

Preview of version: 16

Module articles

Use the Articles module to include a list of articles in a wiki page. Unlike the last_articles and top_articles modules and the plugin PluginArticles, the Articles module will show only the article's title.


To use the Articles module in a wiki page:

Copy to clipboard
{MODULE(module=articles,max=XXX,topic=XXX) /}


Parameter Value Description Default Optional Version
max numeric The maximum number of articles to display 10 optional
topic topic name to include; separate multiple names with "+"; place "!" in front of topic name or list to exclude Show or exclude articles of a specific topic any optional
topicId topic Id to include; separate multiple Id's with "+"; place "!" in front of Id or list of Id's to exclude Show only articles of a specific topic any optional
sort column_asc or column_desc Sort publishDate_desc optional
lang language abbreviation like en Show only articles of the language any optional
more y or n Show a "More..." to the Articles Homepage at bottom of list n optional
type article type to include; separate multiple types with "+"; place "!" in front of type or list of types to exclude Show only articles or the type any optional
start numeric Skips this many articles before the list starts 0 optional
categId category ID Show only articles having this category any optional
showcreated y or n shows date of creation n optional 2.0
showpubl y or n shows publication date n optional 4.0
title string customize the header for the list (use title="" for no title) Articles optional 3.0

If you want to show all the articles of the topic a or the topic b, tou need to use topic=a+b. If you want not to display the articles except those with topic a or b, you need to use topic=!a+b. The same feature and syntax applies for topicId and type.


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{BOX(bg=>white)}{MODULE(module=articles, more=y, max=5, start=1, title=Most Recent Articles, topic=!News+Help Wanted) /}{BOX}
Produces on this site:

Note that article types News and Help Wanted are excluded, the first article of an included type is skipped, and a custom title is used. Click on the "More..." link for the complete list of articles to see how the articles were filtered.

See these pages for information that applies for all modules:


Information Version
Baraka Kinywa 21
Baraka Kinywa 20
Yves Kipondo 19
sylvie 18
lindon 16
lindon Code Plugin modified by editor. 15
Geoff Brickell 14
lindon 13
lindon clean up and add description for toc 12
lindon added description, clean up 11
sylvie 10
sylvie 9
sylvie 8
sylvie 7
sylvie 6
sylvie 5
sylvie 4
sylvie 3
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties 2
Xavier de Pedro 1