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History: Module calendar_new

Source of version: 28

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            ! Module calendar_new
''Introduced in version 3.0''

This ((Module)) add a small calendar which allows to see the events of this current month, basic data in the calendar box, and the other info on a hover box while passing the mouse over.
!! Parameters
{pluginmanager module="calendar_new"}

!! Usage
The assigned module looks like this:
{CENTER()}{img src="img/wiki_up/tiki3_module_calendar_new_00.png" }{CENTER}

If you change the main Tiki ((calendar)) view (for example, semester mode), the calendar module will be updated accordingly.

You can specify if you want to see the events in a popup for each day. The calendars are specified in the params box of admin->modules
~np~ calIds[]=1&calIds[]=2~/np~
To see the calendar 1 and the calendar 2
Be careful: permissions are not checked on the calendar 

!! Parameters
{FANCYTABLE(head="__Parameter__  | __Accepted Values__ | __Description__ | __Since__" )}
''viewmode''|month or week or quarter| If you do not want the viewmode will follow the last viewmode you did in calendar|
''month_delta''|-1 or -2 or -3, etc. %%% or 1 or 2 or 3|This forces the viewmode=month. Setting this value to -1 will display the previous month.  A value of -2 will display the month that is two-months prior to the current month.  With positive numbers, 1 will display next month, while 2 will display the month that is two months from the current month.|
''viewlist''|table or list| determine the type of view. Default table|
calIds|array of calendar Ids|ex: calIds[]=1&callIds[]=2 to display only the events of these 2 calendars|
''calendarId''|calendar Id|ex: calendarId=1, ex: calendarId[]=1&calendarId[]=2|4.0
''showaction''|y or n| show the action add event. Default : y|5.0
''viewmodelink''|week or day|the link from the day will display a week or a day view(default: week)|5.0
''linkall''|y or n| all the days will have a link, not only the days with events|5.0
''viewnavbar''|y or n or partial|y will show the navigation and the choice of viewmode, partial will only display the navigation. Default:y|5.0 

!!Related Pages
{include page="Module and Plugin Includes" start="startinclude1a" stop="stopinclude1a"}
Other related pages:
* ((PluginCalendar))
!! Aliases
(alias(Module Calendar New)) | (alias(Module CalendarNew)) | (alias(ModuleCalendarNew)) | (alias(Module Calendar))


Information Version
Josue Zirimwabagabo Fix typos and correct some grammar 30
Baraka Kinywa 29
Baraka Kinywa 28
Yves Kipondo 27
Xavier de Pedro 26
Rodrigo Sampaio Primo fix default value for viewlist param 25
lindon 23
lindon 22
lindon 21
lindon 20
lindon 19
lindon 18
lindon 17
lindon 16
lindon 15
lindon 14
Xavier de Pedro 13
lindon 12
sylvie 11
sylvie 10
Ed 9
Ed 8
Xavier de Pedro 7
sylvie 6
Ed 5
lindon 4
sylvie 3
sylvie 2
Xavier de Pedro 1