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History: Module months_links

Source of version: 6

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            !Module Months links (a.k.a "Blog or Articles Archive")

This ((module)) links to the objects of a given type for the current month and those preceding it, so that it is a very useful module for ((Blogs)) or ((Articles)), since it works as an "Archive"-type of module.

You can see the blog archives or article archives using the module __months_links__, which will also allow you to click on a link for every year (or any time period specified by the user), so that the user sees the posts of that time frame.
{CENTER()}|| ^{img fileId="286" alt="" rel="box[g]"}^ | ^{img fileId="288" alt="" rel="box[g]"} ^ | ^{img fileId="287" alt="" rel="box[g]" }^
Module shown when __English__ %%% is selected as language | Module shown when __French__ %%% is selected as language | Module shown when __Russian__ %%% is selected as language 
::Note that the number of blog posts per year can vary depending on the language::

In order to have this module configured, you have to add some parameters as in the screenshot below:

{CENTER()}{img fileId="313" alt="" rel="box[g]"}{CENTER} 

So this way, each language can have a module specific for that language, showing the posts of that blog (one blog per language), for a given time frame, specified in the parameters of the module definition. For more information, see ((Blog Config))

It can be done similarly for __Articles__, indicating "__cms__" as the feature to create the links for.

An example of code to display this module in a wiki page, or a custom module, is:
{MODULE(module="months_links", feature="cms", title="Noticias", section="cms", nonums="y", notitle="n", decorations="n", nobox="y")}{MODULE}

(alias(Module Blog Archive)) | (alias(Module Post Archive)) | (alias(Module BlogArchive)) | (alias(ModuleBlogArchive)) | (alias(PostArchive)) | (alias(Post Archive)) | (alias(PostsArchive)) | (alias(Posts Archive)) | (alias(ArticleArchive)) | (alias(Article Archive)) | (alias(ArticlesArchive)) | (alias(Articles Archive)) | (alias(CMSArchive)) | (alias(CMS Archive)) | (alias(BlogArchive)) | (alias(Blog Archive)) | (alias(Module Month_links)) | (alias(ModuleMonths_links)) | (alias(ModuleMonth_links)) | (alias(Module Months Links)) | (alias(ModuleMonthslinks))| (alias(Months Links)) |  (alias(Archive)) | (alias(Months_Links)) | 


Information Version
Baraka Kinywa 12
Baraka Kinywa 11
G. Page renamed from module months_links to Module months_links. Semantic alias redirect created 10
G. Page renamed from module months_links to Module months_links. Semantic alias redirect created 9
Xavier de Pedro 8
Xavier de Pedro 7
Xavier de Pedro 6
Xavier de Pedro added info for articles (cms). Fixed in Tiki 6.4 & 7.1 5
Xavier de Pedro 4
Xavier de Pedro 2
Marc Laporte 1