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History: Module share

Source of version: 8

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            ! Module Share

"Display links to different Social Network function (like, tweet, share) linked to the user Social Network registered account or the App set for the site."

{REMARKSBOX(type=warning title=Warning)}''This module is in finalization phase and require some test and tweak. It should replace all the other Share feature and options that have been added till Tiki Wiki 9.''{REMARKSBOX}

You can add the module using the Admin Module menu, inserting it in a template or inside the code of Wiki page. The module can be use right away without activating the "old" Share feature in Admin -> Feature.

{REMARKSBOX(type=warning title=Warning)}''Using the Insert Module from the toolbar is actually not supported''{REMARKSBOX}

{MODULE(module=value, parameter=value)}text {MODULE}
!! Parameters
{PLUGINMANAGER(module=share) /}

!! Example
''This code:''
{module module="share" decoration="0" nobox="y" notitle="y" module_style="display:inline; width 100%" report="n" share="y" email="y" icons="y" facebook="y" facebook_send="y" facebook_layout="button_count" facebook_verb="recommend" twitter="y" twitter_show_count="horizontal" twitter_width="80px" linkedin="y" linkedin_mode="right" google="y" google_size="medium" google_annotation="none"}


''Would produce:''
{img fileId="663" rel="box[g]"}

{include page="Module and Plugin Includes" start="startinclude1" stop="stopinclude1"}



Information Version
Marc Laporte 15
Marc Laporte 14
Baraka Kinywa 13
Yves Kipondo 12
Bernard Sfez Remarks Box Plugin modified by editor. 11
Bernard Sfez Code Plugin modified by editor. 10
Bernard Sfez 9
Bernard Sfez Image Plugin modified by editor. 8
Bernard Sfez 7
Bernard Sfez 6
Bernard Sfez 5
Bernard Sfez 4
Bernard Sfez 3
Bernard Sfez Starting a new documentation for Share module 2
lindon 1