History: Module share
Source of version: 10
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! Module Share "Display links to different Social Network function (like, tweet, share) linked to the user Social Network registered account or the App set for the site." {REMARKSBOX(type=warning title=Warning)}''This module is in finalization phase and require some test and tweak. It should replace all the other Share feature and options that have been added till Tiki Wiki 9.''{REMARKSBOX} {maketoc} !!Usage You can add the module using the Admin Module menu, inserting it in a template or inside the code of Wiki page. The module can be use right away without activating the "old" Share feature in Admin -> Feature. {REMARKSBOX(type=warning title=Warning)}''Using the Insert Module from the toolbar is actually not supported''{REMARKSBOX} {CODE(caption="Module")} {MODULE(module=value, parameter=value)}{MODULE} {CODE} !! Parameters {PLUGINMANAGER(module=share) /} The parameter list above is not accurate here some better explanation; __Basic Tiki Wiki Sharing options__ Report - Report to Webmaster (y/n) Share - Share this page (y/n) Email - Email this page (y/n) Icons - Use icons for report, share and email links (n/y) __Facebook__ Facebook - Show Facebook "Like" button on the current page (n/y) Facebook: URL - URL to "Like" (leave blank for current URL) Facebook: Send - Show Facebook "Send" button (y/n) Facebook: Layout - Size, layout and amount of social context (standard/button_count/box_count) Facebook: Width - Width in pixels (450) Facebook: Height - Container height in CSS units (e.g. "120px" or "2em") Facebook: Show Faces - Display the user friend Facebook picture (y/n) Facebook: Verb - Verb to display in button (like/recommend) Facebook: Colors - Color scheme (light/dark) Facebook: Font - Font to display (lucida grande/arial/segoe ui/tahoma/trebuchet ms/verdana) Facebook: Locale - Locale in the format ll_CC (default "en_US") Facebook: Referrals - Label for tracking referrals (optional) Facebook: App Id - ID of your Facebook app (optional) __Twitter__ Twitter - Show Twitter Follow Button on the current page (n/y) Twitter: User Name - Twitter user name to quote as "via" Twitter: Label - Text to display. Default "Tweet" Twitter: URL - URL to "Tweet" (leave blank for current URL) Twitter: Show Count - Position of Tweet count (horizontal/vertical/none) Twitter: Language - Two letter language code (en/de/es/fr/id/it/ko/ja/nl/pt/re/tr) Twitter: Width - Width in pixels or percentage (e.g. 300px) Twitter: Height - Container height in CSS units (e.g. "120px" or "2em") Twitter: Text - Tweet text (leave empty to use page title __LinkedIn__ LinkedIn - Linked in share button (n/y) LinkedIn: URL - URL to share (leave blank for current URL) LinkedIn: Count Mode - Position of count (none/top/right) __Google +1__ Google +1 - Google +1 button (n/y) Google: Size - Google button size (standard|small|medium|tall) Google: Annotation - Google annotation (bubble|inline|none) Google: Language - Google language (en-US|fr|ca|de|en-UK|...) Google: URL - URL to share (leave blank for current URL) !! Example ''This code:'' {CODE(wrap=1)} {module module="share" decoration="0" nobox="y" notitle="y" module_style="display:inline; width 100%" report="n" share="y" email="y" icons="y" facebook="y" facebook_send="y" facebook_layout="button_count" facebook_verb="recommend" twitter="y" twitter_show_count="horizontal" twitter_width="80px" linkedin="y" linkedin_mode="right" google="y" google_size="medium" google_annotation="none"} {CODE} ''Would produce:'' {img fileId="663" rel="box[g]"} {include page="Module and Plugin Includes" start="startinclude1" stop="stopinclude1"}