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History: Module since_last_visit

Source of version: 8

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            ! Module since_last_visit
This ((Module)) displays the number of new items (wiki pages, uploaded images, and so on) that have been added since your last login. If there are no new items, Tiki will simply display: __0 New Items__.

Note: This module is similar to the ((Module since_last_visit_new)).
!! Parameters
{pluginmanager module="since_last_visit"}

!! Usage
You will see it listed at "Admin > Modules > Assign new module > Module Name (drop down)" (__tiki-admin_modules.php__).

You can assign a this ((Module)) to a lateral column (See ((Module Admin)) page if needed), or you can include it within a wiki page, using the ((PluginModule)).

The assigned module looks like this:

{BOX(bg=>white)}{MODULE(module=>since_last_visit) /}{BOX}

{include page="Module and Plugin Includes" start="startinclude1" stop="stopinclude1"}
* ((Module since_last_visit_new)) - a similar module



Information Version
Baraka Kinywa 9
Baraka Kinywa 8
lindon 7
Philippe Cloutier fix box call 5
lindon 4
lindon 3
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties initial content 2
Xavier de Pedro 1