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History: Module top_articles

Source of version: 7

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            ^This page ((needs review))^
! Module top_articles
This module displays the top ((articles)), ranked by page views, and provides a link to each page.
!! Parameters
{pluginmanager module="top_articles"}

!! Usage
You will see it listed at "Admin > Modules > Assign new module > Module Name (drop down)" (__tiki-admin_modules.php__).

You can assign a this ((Module)) to a lateral column (See ((Module Admin)) page if needed), or you can include it within a wiki page, using the ((PluginModule)).
{MODULE(module=>top_articles) /}
See ((PluginModule)) for additional parameters that can be used.

The assigned module looks like this:
{MODULE(module=>top_articles, max=5)}{MODULE}

{include page="Module and Plugin Includes" start="startinclude1" stop="stopinclude1"}



Information Version
Baraka Kinywa 8
Baraka Kinywa 7
pianoliv status: review 6
lindon getting rid of wanted pages 4
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties oops, didn't realize there was a template. 3
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties 2
Xavier de Pedro 1