History: MySQL
Source of version: 12 (current)
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! {{page}} Tiki can use [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MySQL|MySQL] in two ways: * As a __database__. This is where your data is stored. The default storage engine is ((InnoDB)). The other database choices are ((MariaDB)) and ((Percona Server for MySQL)) * As a __search index__. This is a temporary copy of some of your data, optimized for quick retrieval. The storage engine here is ((MyISAM)). The index options are explained here: ((Unified Index Comparison)) !! See also * ((Requirements)) * ((MySQL replication)) * ((MySQL SSL)) * ((Database independence)) * ((dev:MariaDB vs MySQL strategy)) * ((File Storage)) ~tc~ (alias(MySQL Full Text Search)) ~/tc~ ~tc~ (alias(Database MySQL)) ~/tc~