History: Newsletters
Source of version: 25
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!Newsletters The Tiki newsletter feature allows you to send a newsletter via email to a list of subscribers. The email can be sent in HTML format, plain text format, or both. Other newsletter features include: * user controlled subscribe/unsubscribe * Admin can restrict subscription to the users email address of record, or allow any address to be used. * Admin controlled subscribe/unsubscribe * email address validation * include unsubscribe instructions in the newsletter * granular object permissions for viewing, sending, etc * Groups can be subscribed to newsletters (including embedded groups) * Since ((Tiki6)) you can now also 'subscribe' a Wiki page so that its contents, whatever it is at the time, can be used to define emails to which an individual Newsletter Edition is sent. * From Tiki 6.1 the quantity of 'styling' information embedded within an HTML formatted newsletter can be controlled by the use of a dedicated css file. * Since ((Tiki6)), you can automatically send newsletters with a cron/batch job based on some wiki page template with plugins (upcoming events, last posts, new items, ...). * ((PluginSubscribeNewsletter)) -=From Here=- *((Newsletters Admin)) - Describes how to enable and create newsletters. *((Newsletters User)) - How to send, view and manage your newsletter subscriptions. * ((Newsletter Detail)) - A Technical Reference * ((Newsletter Article Clipping)) - How newsletters can be used to distribute articles posted using the ((Articles)) feature. -=alias=- *(alias(Newsletter))