History: PluginCountup
Preview of version: 20
Plugin Countup
Introduced in Tiki25, use this plugin to make a counter on a wiki page. You can add one or multiple counters on the same page and each counter starts to count when it becomes visible in the viewport. Each counter has its own custom settings (Title, ending number, custom counting (animation) speed, custom CSS (color, font size, font family, background, ...), etc.).
See also PluginCountdown
1. Parameters
Parameters | Accepted values | Description | Default | Since |
title | string | Counter title | 25.0 | |
titleFontFamily | string | Counter title font family | 25.0 | |
titleFontWeight | text | Counter title font weight | normal | 25.0 |
titleFontStyle | text | Counter title font style | normal | 25.0 |
titleFontSize | float | Counter title font size in pixels.For instance, use 16 for 16 pixels | 32 | 25.0 |
titleFontColor | alpha | Counter title font color. For instance, use blue for blue color.You can also use the hexadecimal rgb code or the rgba syntax to specify the color | black | 25.0 |
icon | int | Numeric ID of an icon in a file gallery. This will be set as the counter icon | 0 | 25.0 |
iconWidth | int | Icon width size | 64 | 25.0 |
iconHeight | int | Icon height size | 64 | 25.0 |
description | string | Short description of the counter | 25.0 | |
descriptionFonFamily | string | Counter description font family | 25.0 | |
descriptionFontWeight | text | Counter description font weight | normal | 25.0 |
descriptionFontStyle | text | Counter description font style | normal | 25.0 |
descriptionFontSize | float | Description font size in pixels. For instance use 16 fir 16 pixels | 12 | 25.0 |
descriptionFontColor | alpha | Decription font color | black | 25.0 |
startingNumber | int | The number from which the counter will start to count | 0 | 25.0 |
endingNumber | int | The number to which the counter will stop to count | 25.0 | |
numberFontFamily | string | This is the font family of the displayed number in the counter at a certain time | 25.0 | |
numberFontWeight | text | Displayed number font weight | normal | 25.0 |
numberFontSize | float | This is the size of the displayed number in pixels. For instance , use 16 for 16 pixels | 32 | 25.0 |
numberFontColor | alpha | Dispalyed number font color. For instance, use blue for blue color. You can also use the hexadecimal rgb code or the rgba syntax to specify the color | black | 25.0 |
speed | float | The counting(animation) speed of the counter in seconds | 0.2 | 25.0 |
delay | float | The delay time in seconds after which the counter will start to count when it becomes visible in the viewport | 1.0 | 25.0 |
prefix | text | Letter, number or symbol to use as prefix of the number counter | 25.0 | |
suffix | text | Letter, number or symbol to use as suffix of the number counter | 25.0 | |
width | int | Counter width in pixels. For instance, use 200 for 200 pixels | 400 | 25.0 |
height | int | Counter height in pixels. For instance, use 200 for 200 pixels | 300 | 25.0 |
backgroundImage | int | Numeric ID of an icon in a file gallery. This will be set as the counter background image | 0 | 25.0 |
backgroundColor | alpha | Counter background color. You can use the color name, the hexadecimal rgb code or the rgba syntax to specify the color. | 25.0 | |
shadow | string | This property adds shadows to the counter via a comma separated list of shadows. A shadow is defined with horizontal and vertical offsets from the element (in our case, the counter), with blur and spread radius and with a color. For instance, use inset 2000px 0px 0px 0px #24a2c09c for 2000px horizontal offset, 0px vertical offset, 0px blur radius, 0px spread radius and with a light blue color. The inset keyword reverses the shadow inside. For the color value, you can use the color name, the hexadecimal rgb code or the rgba syntax. For more details See here. Please be sure to respect the syntax given in the documentation to see the effect. | 25.0 |
2. Examples of use
Example 1 :
In this example, we have one counter on the page and we are counting the number of registered students with a counting speed of 1 second.
The following code:
{countup title="Students" titleFontWeight="bold" titleFontStyle="italic" titleFontColor="white" icon="61" description="Registered Students" descriptionFontStyle="italic" descriptionFontColor="white" endingNumber="10" numberFontWeight="800" numberFontSize="70" numberFontColor="white" speed="1" delay="1" suffix="+" backgroundImage="62" shadow="inset 2000px 0px 0px 0px #24a2c09c"}
Produces this:
Example 2 :
In this example we have two counters on the same page and each counter has its own custom settings (counting speed, font style, font color,etc) and starts to count when it becomes visible in the viewport.
The following code:
!~~#09F:Plugin Countup~~ {countup title="Students" titleFontWeight="bold" titleFontStyle="italic" titleFontColor="white" icon="61" description="Registered Students" descriptionFontStyle="italic" descriptionFontColor="white" endingNumber="15" numberFontWeight="800" numberFontSize="70" numberFontColor="white" speed="1" delay="1" suffix="+" backgroundImage="62" shadow="inset 2000px 0px 0px 0px #24a2c09c"} {countup title="Countries" titleFontWeight="bold" titleFontColor="white" icon="60" endingNumber="195" numberFontWeight="bold" numberFontSize="70" numberFontColor="white" speed="0.02" shadow="inset 2000px 0px 0px 0px #24a2c09c"}
Produces this:
This plugin will be available for use when Tiki 25.0 will be released in October 2022. Since the plugin is already included in Tiki 25, anyone who has this version today can use the PluginCountup immediately.