History: PluginCountup
Source of version: 21
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! Plugin Countup ''Introduced in ((Tiki25)), use this plugin to make a counter on a wiki page. You can add one or multiple counters on the same page and each counter starts to count when it becomes visible in the viewport. Each counter has its own custom settings (Title, ending number, custom counting (animation) speed, custom CSS (color, font size, font family, background, ...), etc.).'' See also ((PluginCountdown)) !!1. Parameters {pluginmanager plugin="countup"} !!2. Examples of use !!!!Example 1 : In this example, we have one counter on the page and we are counting the number of registered students with a counting speed of 1 second. The following code: {CODE(colors="tiki" theme="default")}{countup title="Students" titleFontWeight="bold" titleFontStyle="italic" titleFontColor="white" icon="61" description="Registered Students" descriptionFontStyle="italic" descriptionFontColor="white" endingNumber="10" numberFontWeight="800" numberFontSize="70" numberFontColor="white" speed="1" delay="1" suffix="+" backgroundImage="62" shadow="inset 2000px 0px 0px 0px #24a2c09c"}{CODE} Produces this: {img src="display1831" link="display1831" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} !!!!Example 2 : In this example we have two counters on the same page and each counter has its own custom settings (counting speed, font style, font color,etc) and starts to count when it becomes visible in the viewport. The following code: {CODE(colors="tiki" theme="default")}!~~#09F:Plugin Countup~~ {countup title="Students" titleFontWeight="bold" titleFontStyle="italic" titleFontColor="white" icon="61" description="Registered Students" descriptionFontStyle="italic" descriptionFontColor="white" endingNumber="15" numberFontWeight="800" numberFontSize="70" numberFontColor="white" speed="1" delay="1" suffix="+" backgroundImage="62" shadow="inset 2000px 0px 0px 0px #24a2c09c"} {countup title="Countries" titleFontWeight="bold" titleFontColor="white" icon="60" endingNumber="195" numberFontWeight="bold" numberFontSize="70" numberFontColor="white" speed="0.02" shadow="inset 2000px 0px 0px 0px #24a2c09c"}{CODE} Produces this: {img src="display1832" link="display1832" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} !!!!Note: This plugin will be available for use when ((Tiki25|Tiki 25.0)) will be released in October 2022. Since the plugin is already included in Tiki 25, anyone who has this version today can use the PluginCountup immediately.