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History: PluginGanttChart

Source of version: 17

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            ! Plugin Gantt Chart
''Introduced in ((Tiki19))''
Use this ((wiki plugin)) to help you manage projects within Tiki, where project data is stored in Tiki ((trackers)). You will be able to draw Gantt chart diagrams, and edit them easily to gethave your gantt chart updated while the project life evolves changing project details, internal deadlines, etc. Please see: ((dev:jQuery Gantt editor)).
!! Parameters
{pluginmanager plugin="ganttchart"}

!! Get Started
As mentioned above, the project data used to create the Gantt charts are stored in Tiki ((trackers)). Create the Tracker with all the specific fields or use this [http://profiles.tiki.org/GanttChart|Profile] as a template, adjusting it to your own needs. Start with the Plugin Gantt Chart by adding the code to a Wiki page once you have created a tracker.
{ganttchart trackerId="1" name="trackerganttTaskName" begin="trackerganttStartDate" end="trackerganttEndDate" resourceId="trackerganttResponsible" roleId="trackerganttRole" status="trackerganttStatus" progress="trackerganttProgress" canWrite="true" canDelete="true" canWriteOnParent="true" description="trackerganttDescription" code="trackerganttCode" effort="trackerganttEffort" resourceId="trackerganttResourceId"  order="trackerganttOrder" level="trackerganttLevel" depends="trackerganttDependencies"}

!!! Overview
The previous code will give the result this overview:
{img src="display1600" link="display1600" width="800" rel="box[g]" alt="Plugin Gantt Chart Overview"  desc="Click to expand"}

!! Key Features
The Gantt Chart Plugin allows you to manage a complete project of any size, to divide it into tasks, to associate resources with each one with its role. When managing the project, you can create a task hierarchy, create dependencies between tasks, determine milestones, highlight the critical path, modify resources, change time scheduling, etc.

To quickly build Gantt charts, use the undo, redo, un-indent task, indent task, move up, move down, delete, EXPAND_ALL, COLLAPSE_ALL, zoom out, zoom in, Print, CRITICAL_PATH, control options to handle the different task display modes, fullscreen, task status color control and the Save button.

With a simple click, set the critical path; remove a task; switch to fullscreen mode, etc.

{img src="display1601" class="img-responsive" alt="Plugin Gantt Chart Project hierarchy"  thumb="zoombox" title="Click"}
''Organise projects into tasks linked by dependencies''

{img src="display1602" class="img-responsive" alt="Plugin Gantt Chart Options"  thumb="zoombox" title="Click"}

!! Explore Plugin Gantt Chart 

!!!!! Changing a task
{img src="display1603" class="img-responsive" alt="Plugin Gantt Chart Change Task Infos"  thumb="zoombox" title="Click"}
''In a few clicks change the status, code, name, start date, end date, duration or progress of the task just by clicking on the element you need to update.''
{img src="display1604" class="img-responsive" alt="Plugin Gantt Chart Task Editor"  thumb="zoombox" title="Click"}
''When you want to modify a task, click on the edit icon or on the diagram that represents a task, a window will open __Task Editor__, change the code, the name of the task, define milestones, add a description of the task, etc.''

!!!!! Moving a task
{img src="display1605" class="img-responsive" alt="Plugin Gantt Chart Moving a task"  thumb="zoombox" title="Click"}
''After editing a task, use the «move up» and «move down» controls to move a task from bottom to top or from top to bottom.''
!!!!! Creating dependencies

{img src="display1606" class="img-responsive" alt="Plugin Gantt Chart Creating dependencies"  thumb="zoombox" title="Click"}
''Very easy to create dependencies between two or more tasks by simply dragging the mouse. Place the mouse over the graph, once the two points have been shown, select one and dragging it to another task.''

!!!!! Changing task duration
{img src="display1607" class="img-responsive" alt="Plugin Gantt Chart " thumb="zoombox" title="Click"}
''Easily change the duration of tasks with just a simple drag of the mouse.''
!!!!! Adjusting the chart preview
{img src="display1608" class="img-responsive" alt="Plugin Gantt Chart Zoom option"  thumb="zoombox" title="Click"}
''Adjust the zoom option to view the charts according to day, week, month, semester, and year.''
!! Example
* See ((Sample Gantt Chart))
!! Related pages
* ((Trackers))

!! Related Profile
* ((pr:GanttChart))
* (alias(Gantt Chart))
* (alias(Gantt))


Information Version
Xavier de Pedro 26
Xavier de Pedro 25
Marc Laporte 24
Xavier de Pedro added extra details 23
Mike Finko 22
Adrien 21
Adrien 20
Adrien 19
Adrien 18
Adrien 17
Adrien 16
Marc Laporte typos 15
Marc Laporte Refer to a page where the example works 14
Marc Laporte AutoTOC 13
Jorge Sá Pereira Update wikiplugin example 12
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 11
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 10
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 9
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 8
Xavier de Pedro 7
Xavier de Pedro 6
Xavier de Pedro 5
Xavier de Pedro 4
Xavier de Pedro 3
Gary Cunningham-Lee Fixed typo. 2
Marc Laporte 1