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History: PluginGoogleDoc

Preview of version: 17

Plugin GoogleDoc

This Wiki Plugin allows you to include a document from the Google Docs service in a Wiki page.

The user may need to log in to Google before seeing the document.

Usage and Parameters

To display a Google Doc in a wiki page, use the syntax:

Copy to clipboard
{GOOGLEDOC(key=pXsHENf1bGGY92X1iEeJJI, type=sheet, name=docFrame1, width=400, height=500, align=middle, frameborder=0", marginheight=5, marginwidth=5, scrolling=yes, editLink=both)} {GOOGLEDOC}

Here are the parameters:

Parameter Effect Required? Since
type The type of Google document. This can be one of: sheet, doc,pres or if you like longer versions: spreadsheet, document, presentation yes
key This is the key value or document id, given when you publish a Google document. It is of the form pXsHENf1bGGY92X1iEeJJI or dhfhcw3x_0c358sjhv yes
name Name of iframe, this is quite optional, if you don't specify it, the plug-in will make one up for you
size Size of frame, use instead of width and height. If you use this parameter, the frame will fit the Google presentations sizes exactly. It's value can be small, medium or large.
width Width of the frame in which the document appears. You can use a number for pixels or a percentage such as 90%
height Height of the frame in which the document appears. You can use a number for pixels or a percentage such as 90%
align Position of frame on wiki page. value can be one of: top or middle or bottom or left or right
frameborder Does the frame have a border. Can be 1 or 0
marginheight Height of a margin in Pixels
marginwidth Width of margin in Pixels
scrolling Will frame have scroll bars. Value can be is yes or no or auto.
editLink If appropriate, the plug-in will add links to allow the reader to log-in to Google and edit the document. Can be one of: top or bottom or both. Some document types have the edit function inside the frame, so the plug-in won't add links to the wiki page for these types.



Coming soon!

Related pages


PluginGoogleDocs | Plugin Google Docs | Plugin Google Doc | GoogleDocs | Google Docs | Google Doc | GoogleDoc


Information Version
ibrahim mussa 24
ibrahim mussa Replace type "sheet" with "spreadsheet" and Google drive alias 23
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 22
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Tested on Tiki23 added information to ease users life. 21
Yves Kipondo 20
lindon 19
KoenMiltenburg made the previous change a header 18
KoenMiltenburg The code does not work! 17
Xavier de Pedro 16
Scot Wilcoxon description 14
MatWho 13
lindon 12
matwho 11
matwho 10
matwho 9
matwho 8
matwho 7
matwho 6
matwho 5
matwho 3
matwho 2
MatWho 1