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History: PluginPrefDoc

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Plugin PrefDoc

This wiki plugin generates and displays preference documentation for use on doc.tiki.org website.

  • This will automatically record and keep past preference versions.
  • It automatically re-caches the current tiki preferences every time the version number increases (like from 17.0 to 17.1)
  • You may force a re-cache by emptying all caches (will only re-load current version)
  • If description, hint or help (link) are added to a new version of tiki, it populates past versions that are missing that information
  • Images specified for past version of tiki be used for up to 4 newer versions if no other images exist
  • Preference data is stored as it is in tiki to allow for maximum expansion in the future with backwards compatibility (like if color coding for basic-advanced-experimental was to be implemented etc.)
  • Plugin visual appearance is independent from storage, allowing for dramatic future style changes.
  • If an invalid, or non-existent tab-name is given, a list of available options will be presented.


Generate documentation for Tiki preference tabs, mostly for use on the Tiki documentation website (doc.tiki.org).
Introduced in Tiki 17.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_prefdoc

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
img text Show images at the top of each version of Tiki. Format: TikiVersion:FileGalleryID. Multiple images my be separated like so: TikiVersion1:FileGalleryID1|TikiVersion2:FileGalleryID2. 17
tab text The name of the preference tab to display, or a list of available tabs upon invalid. 17
section text Show just a section of preferences of the tab. Specify the name of the section to show. 26


Generate list of available preferences to display

This code:

Copy to clipboard

Display Look and Feel: General Layout, with images

There are 2 images specfied. Tiki 17 image has a file gallery id of 33 and the Tiki 14 image has a file gallery id of 12. This code:

Copy to clipboard
{PREFDOC(tab="look-generallayout" img="17:33|14:12")/}


Information Version
Josue Zirimwabagabo 9
Josue Zirimwabagabo 8
Lupundu Kalekwa Yan Pick from look-layout instead of look-generallayout (since tiki 19 the tab "General Layout" changed to "Layout") 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
drsassafras 4
Torsten Fabricius Test the plugin 3
luciash d' being 🧙 Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 2
drsassafras Page created by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 1