History: Tiki22
Source of version: 48 (current)
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! {{page}} Tiki 22.0 was released in November 2020 It is a Standard Term Support (STS) version and will be supported until ((Tiki23|Tiki 23.1)) is released as per ((tw:Versions|the Tiki lifecycle policy)). As a post-LTS version, this one typically has more changes than usual. However, as of 2019-11-26, there are no major changes like the move from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4. {sign user="marclaporte" datetime="2019-11-26T09:09:18+00:00"} Requirements are now PHP 7.4 vs 7.2 in ((Tiki21)). See what was planned: ((dev:Tiki22)) !# New Features and Improvements ''(alphabetically sorted)'' !!# Check * [https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/76193/|tiki-check database tables/columns mismatches] !!# Mail-in !!!# Mail-in to files ((Mail-In)) to Files - save email as message/rfc822 file in a file gallery - include raw content and all headers http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/75496 !!!# Mail-in to trackers * ((Mail-in)) * https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/76806 !!# Mail Notifications Add catch-all/redirect mail delivery option for SMTP messages - useful when debugging or testing upgrades to have all Tiki mail delivered to a single mailbox https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/75843 !!# Numeric field data modification via mouse scroll can be disabled or enabled Browsers have different behaviors which causes support issues. Harmonizing behavior by default while permitting previous behavior: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/75930 !!# Shamir's Shared Secrets and Team Password Management via Trackers * ((Shared Secrets)) !!# Trackers !!!# Duration field type * New ((Duration Tracker field)) !!!# Search orphaned field names tiki-admin_orphaned.php https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/76278/ !!!# Exclude indexing non-searchable tracker fields https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/76304/ was also bakported to 21.x !!!# Shorten tracker field names in mysql search index to allow greater number of fields in the index https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/76303/ was also bakported to 21.x !!!# Group can see their own items add options for 'Group can see their own items' and group ownership to GroupSelector fields - enhance permission system to support ability for users in specific group to view items associated with that group https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/76003/ !!# Wiki Plugins New, improved or Fixes !!!# PluginListExecute ((PluginListExecute)) Improved. New __action__ -+tracker_item_clone+- has been added. This gives the ability to clone one or more selected tracker items and execute more actions on the clones after that - e.g. tracker_item_modify https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/ea6f50574b0dc8e19fc5a5dd979686a0c10d872f Fix. Allow checkbox value to be reset with tracker_item_modify ListExecute action. https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/43e10f9d51baae9a4174e254973dd4ad8ab2e987 Fix. cloning tracker items via ListExecute keeps auto-assigned UserSelector values instead of resetting that to none or current user https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/bec107dd655c236dc31abfc12c3a9bfddb2d4a13 !!!# PluginList editable filters Improved. See: ((PluginList with editable filters)) !!!# PluginPivotTable Column/Row sort order are now savable https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/76955/ !!!# PluginTOTP * ((PluginTOTP)) !!# Suggestions ((Suggestion)) !!# Risky Preferences Some risky preferences are disabled and hidden by default, since Tiki 22 See ((Risky Preferences)) for details !!# Unified Index !!! Now supports emails which are stored as files Commit: 75563 - added a preference in search index and file gallery which is off by default - Automatic indexing of emails stored as files - when you turn it on, rfc822 files (aka eml files) will be parsed and stored as separate fields in the search index. For now, these fields are stored: email_subject email_from email_sender email_recipient email_date email_content_type email_body email_plaintext email_html !!# Vue.js ((dev:VueJS In Tiki)) !!# Webmail contacts * add read-write access to webmail contacts via CardDAV and refactor underlying backend https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/76499 !# Removals !! ZendSearch https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSearch/pull/23#issuecomment-312265313 https://packagist.org/packages/zendframework/zendsearch https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSearch https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/76691 !# General upgrade notes Also, see the standard information about ((Upgrade|Upgrades)) in Tiki. !# Related -=Pages linking to this one=- {backlinks noheader=1} Alias names for this page: (alias(Tiki 22))