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History: Tiki25

Source of version: 24

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            {include page="SVN deprecation notice"}
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Tiki 25.0 will be released in October 2022, the same month Tiki turns 20 years old!

It is a Standard Term Support (STS) version and will be supported until ((Tiki26|Tiki 26.1)) is released, as per ((tw:Versions|the Tiki lifecycle policy)).

Work will start on it in 2022-02, once the release process of ((Tiki24)) is started. Since this is a post-LTS, it is expected to have major changes, such as an upgrade to
* [http://getbootstrap.com/|Bootstrap 5], [https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases/tag/v5.0.0|which has been released in May 2021].
* ((Smarty)) 4, [https://github.com/smarty-php/smarty/releases/tag/v4.0.0|which was released in November 2021]
* Adding support for PHP 8.0 and 8.1 while maintaining support for PHP 7.4. See ((krav))

!! Browser support
Given the fact our themes and Smarty templates rely on Bootstrap 5 heavily, the browser support for Tiki 25 follows the same path:
* Dropped Internet Explorer 10 and 11
* Dropped Microsoft Edge < 16 (Legacy Edge)
* Dropped Firefox < 60
* Dropped Safari < 12
* Dropped iOS Safari < 12
* Dropped Chrome < 60
For more details see https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/migration/

{maketoc title="" levels="2,3"}

!! New features
''(alphabetically sorted)''

!!!# Anime.js
Anime.js was [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/1439|added] and used in ((PluginCountup)) (and will be progressively deployed elsewhere in Tiki)

!!!# Markdown as default syntax
See: ((dev:WYSIWYG and Markdown))

!!!# Tiki Manager as a Package
((Tiki Manager Package))

!!!# Wysiwyg Editor
New Wysiwyg editor, to manage markdown also as default syntax in textareas.

See: ((dev:WYSIWYG and Markdown))

!! Bug Fixes and Enhancements
''(alphabetically sorted)''

!!!# Wiki Syntax
* [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/1421|Fixed the wiki syntax parser to allow autolinks in parenthesis and exclude closing parenthesis from the external URLs autolinks] (backported to ((Tiki24)))

Each Tiki will be capable to use Tiki Manager to manage itself or other Tiki instances.



Information Version
Eutyche ODIMBA 113
Marc Laporte 112
Marc Laporte 111
Josue Zirimwabagabo 110
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 109
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Added information about superfish CSS menu removed and what to do from Tiki25 108
Marc Laporte 107
Gary Cunningham-Lee Minor wording change 106
Gary Cunningham-Lee Capitalization change 105
Gary Cunningham-Lee Minor text addition 104
Gary Cunningham-Lee Minor text addition 103
Gary Cunningham-Lee Minor text addition 102
Gary Cunningham-Lee Upgraded CSS variables to share topic with Themes 101
Gary Cunningham-Lee Minor text change. 100
Gary Cunningham-Lee Corrected position of sublist (my error). 99
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added that some child themes were removed. 98
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added a little info about the new themes and CSS variables. 97
Gary Cunningham-Lee Heading for page alias 96
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added Tiki 25 alias. 95
Marc Laporte 94
Marc Laporte 93
Marc Laporte 92
Marc Laporte 91
Marc Laporte Projection and warning 90
Marc Laporte 89
Marc Laporte 88
Marc Laporte 87
Marc Laporte 86
Marc Laporte 85
Marc Laporte 84
Marc Laporte 83
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Marc Laporte 67
Marc Laporte yes! 66
Marc Laporte 65
Marc Laporte 64